Customer Experience Platform

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Supply)
not specified
18 Jun 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


We are inviting expressions of interest to explore options to achieve the Council’s ambitions to develop, create and implement a customer experience platform. Both Council plans outline a strategic objective to deliver services for residents, businesses and communities that are innovative, efficient and easy to use against a backdrop of reduced funding and tougher economical times. An improved customer offer enabled by digital technology can have a direct impact on our ability to reduce operating costs to serve our customers, absorb growing demand within existing resources and enable greater efficiencies from understanding the end-to-end customer journey whilst enabling customers to interact with us in modern and efficient ways that are convenient to them. • Easy to access services for all, as and when our customers need them • Increase in the first point of contact resolution • Keep the customer informed to reduce avoidable demand• Improve internal workflow and case management

Total Quantity or Scope

This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is inviting expressions of interest to explore potential procurement and delivery options alongside technical architecture design models to achieve the Councils ambitions and vision for improving customer experience. The Councils recognise that customer expectations and demands for seamless, efficient services are increasing , but due to the vast array of services offered by local authorities , this has led to disjointed, siloed customer entry points, reduced ability to extract customer insight, inefficient workflow practices, time delays and multiple hand-offs. These elements combined impact the efficiency and cost of operation, as well as the customer experience and interoperability of our technological architecture. The Councils have set themselves an ambition to improve customer experience and have set out to achieve the following as part of this programme of work: Objectives• To create easy to access services for all • To increase first point of contact resolution and keep the customer informed throughout • To use data and insight to benefit the way we work and our customers • To improve internal workflows and case management The Councils are looking to implement a seamless architecture with a customer experience platform, integrations, forms and CMS . We have some outline assumptions relating to the future of our technical architecture (see below) and we are seeking views relating to these assumptions from the market. The Councils intend to use early market engagement to determine their procurement strategy in terms of whether the deliverability of the requirement ask is better fulfilled by a single partner who can offer all elements of the programme or multiple suppliers to deliver individual elements.We recognise that our platform may / will be made up of more than one technology provided by more than one supplier. We are open to suppliers collaborating but prefer to manage the implementation and ongoing relationship through one lead supplier.Assumptions As part of our current discovery work we have made some assumptions based on our current architecture, for more information about these assumptions and the baseline architecture please contact the email below. The Councils are seeking a broad early market engagement process to identify opportunities for delivering our Customer Experience objectives. Responses from stakeholders within all areas of the customer experience arena are welcomed. In addition to the proposals for the above the Councils are also interested in :-• Charging models and indicative costs for proposed solutions to inform budgetary requirements • View on overall architecture and what can/should be replaced (Our current architecture and assumptions can be provided following receipt of your expression of interest)• Timelines for contract mobilisation / implementationEarly market engagement sessions will take place via Teams with those who have expressed an interest in this opportunity. These individual sessions will be offered on a first come, first served basis and will take place between Monday 1st July – Thursday 4th July. If you are interested in this opportunity and are technically able to support the project, please respond with an EOI to including contact details by Tuesday 25th June, 17:00

CPV Codes

  • 48445000 - Customer Relation Management software package
  • 72212100 - Industry specific software development services
  • 48217000 - Transaction-processing software package
  • 48211000 - Platform interconnectivity software package
  • 48219300 - Administration software package
  • 72212445 - Customer Relation Management software development services
  • 48333000 - Contact management software package
  • 48100000 - Industry specific software package


Other Information

Please note that by submitting an expression of interest in response to this PIN, you are providing this information to all Local Authorities involved in this project.All the named local authorities are Data Controllers of the information you submit and will use your data to identify possible market partners, contact you to discuss the potential opportunities in relation to the provision of a customer experience platform.They will also use and retain your personal data in order to facilitate ongoing discussions and contact you about new opportunities that may arise. Accordingly, your data will be retained for 1 year by all the local authorities involved in this project and for 5 by the authority/ies that you wish to work with in future. All Data Controllers are processing personal data on the basis that it is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law. Further information regarding how to contact the Councils, exercise your rights under UKGDPR, and view their general privacy notices can be found on their respective websites.Our aspirations under this project are to define and deliver a solution which :-1. Can support the concept of seamless customer journeys from a range of contact points including but not limited to (phone, email, web, social media, mobile app etc) and work with a range of end user technologies including laptops, mobile devices, smartphones. 2. Are robust, secure and compliant with relevant standards3. Creates a single front door and single sign on experience with our business systems that our services use to manage cases with customers4. Supports customer record linking across our various line of business systems to meet reporting requirements such as single view of the customer. 5. As well as offering pre-built components we want a platform that supports innovation and the quick and agile development of applications. We want to break our reliance on expensive third-party applications where the solution is not complex.6. We want to implement a sustainable service, not just technology. Our aim is to have an in-house supported corporate development platform. We want to hear how vendors can enable this 7. We are ambitious for our future and are interested in a platform that will support us in exploiting new and emerging technology, for example AI where it is appropriate to help our service delivery processes8. We want our platform to support an efficient ‘modular’ development approach that enables components to be produced, re-used and simply reconfigured in response to shifting organisational priorities. We want repeatable, simple, consistent and reliable.9. We want to work with partners that have a track record of delivery with similar customers. We want a high level of resilience and reliability due to the significant scope, end user experience. 10. Has the ability to integrate and support taking payments from customers. We want this in a way that can be deployed consistently across a range of different products. We don’t want 1. A system that takes time to make changes and onboard new journeys. 2. A system that is reliant on bespoke and expensive development skills3. An architecture that is siloed in nature and introduces technical debt4. To be reliant on third parties to run and improve our platform and customer journeys 5. We don’t want to buy a ‘blank canvas’ that needs extensive configuration before we can begin exploiting it. We want to be able to utilise pre-built components that enable us to realise benefits and efficiencies quickly. 6. Replication of our Core case management. These are envisioned to remain in our large, complex line of business systems. Replication of these systems in a new platform is out of scope with a favoured approach to integrating and presenting data to provide first point of contact resolution in most instances.

