Provision of the vehicle licensing, inspection services and an end-to-end information technology system contract (RAM) to TPH
A Modification Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 9 year
- Value
- £63M-£9M
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Jun 2024
- Delivery
- To 19 Jun 2033 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
2 buyers
- Transport for London London
1 supplier
- NSL London
Following an OJEU compliant competitive tender, conducted under a competitive dialogue procedure, NSL Ltd were appointed to provide the licensing and inspection services and an end to end information technology system to the Public Carriage Office. This service supports TfL's regulation and licensing of Taxi & Private Hire (TPH) in London. The Contract commenced on 13/02/2012 and became operational on 28/02/2013 for an initial duration of 5 years and TfL exercised the option to extend for a further 5 years to 28 February 2023 (the "Contract")
Ammendments to Previous Notice
2. Contract value
GBP 81,885,520 9,116,230
Award Detail
1 | NSL (London)
CPV Codes
- 63712000 - Support services for road transport
- 32427000 - Network system
- 71631200 - Technical automobile inspection services
- 72212170 - Compliance software development services
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- Contract modified due to additional needs.
Legal Justification
The extension to the Contract has become necessary because the Replacement Contract is in its implementation phase and the new Technology System is not yet fully operational due to the complexities of the requirements. Given the Replacement Contract is already in place, re-procurement of an interim service provider would cause significant inconvenience and substantial duplication of costs for the Contracting Authority in respect of: 1) the costs of a another system for a short period of time, which would become redundant once the Replacement Contract becomes operational, and 2) the costs of additional resources that would be required, while substantial internal resources are already dedicated to ensuring the Replacement Contract is implemented as soon as possible. Furthermore due to the technical design requirements there is significant and highly complex data migration requirements (including application of data transformation rules and data cleansing routines) for all current and historical system, operational and transactional records (circa 2 million records), related metadata, audit data, documents, images, call scripts, business processes into a fully operational, functional, fully tested, and a mapped target database and data model with integrated document and image storage. In addition, there will be Development, testing and the implementation of 25+ business critical system data interfaces (internal and external) and many of which require essential and extensive 3rd party engagement and collaboration over long periods of development, configuration and testing to ensure full functionality and full integration into service system. For these technical reasons a change in contractor cannot be made in an interim period and an additional re-procurement and implementation of a new interim system solution will be a minimum of 24 months.
- FTS 018858-2024