Jubilee Vehicle Underframe Modifications Project (JVUM)

A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
2 year (est.)
01 Jul 2024
07 Aug 2023 to 08 Aug 2025 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers

2 buyers

1 supplier


The purpose of this procurement was the underframe modification of 96 Tube Stock, (96TS)/Jubilee Line rail vehicles. This requirement was subdivided into the following 2 lots. Lot 1) The design, manufacture and supply of underframe modification services. Lot 2) The design, manufacture and modification to the coupler drawgear release mechanism. (Please note that this Lot was not awarded and there will be a new sourcing strategy for this lot) In 2019 fractures were found on the longitudinal beams of a 96TS Jubilee Line train's underframe. It was identified through further inspection, that the fractures were not limited to this one train. Those trains that were identified as fit for service (with regards to safety of passengers and LU train operators/ maintainers/ station staff) were returned to service however a large number of trains remained withdrawn until a repair (temporary) was undertaken. The purpose of this procurement is to provide a long-term solution to the fatigue cracking in the vehicle underframe before the short-term repairs are life expired and to resolve associated safety issues with the drawgear load release mechanism.

Lot Division

1 The design, manufacture and supply of underframe modification services

Lot 1 - The design, manufacture and supply of underframe modification services. The 1996 tube stock fleet comprises sixty-three (63) 7-car trains, delivered over two production runs. The initial run L14 includes the build of fifty-nine (59) off 6-car trains, manufactured between 1997and 1998. Subsequently, in 2006 the L17 project delivered additional Special Trailer cars to convert the 6-car to 7-car train plus an additional four (4) off 7-car trains.In October 2019 fatigue cracks were found in the Jubilee line fleet's inner longitudes causing 40% of the fleet to be withdrawn from service for further investigation. London Underground commissioned an internal Formal Investigation Review to identify the root cause of the fatigue cracks and make recommendations to safeguard the future operation of the Jubilee line service. The Formal Investigation Review included an engineering investigation which resulted in the following key recommendations. a)There should be a redesign and fleet replacement of the cross beam support brackets to significantly improve the transfer of coupler loads into the car body structure. b)The design of the inner longitude should be reviewed in conjunction with the cross beam support bracket and rectified to remove the risk of continued fleet wide crack propagation and to ensure the proof load requirements are met. c)The 1996 Tube Stock coupler release system should be replaced to ensure it will always correctly function in a collision scenario and eliminate the current costly maintenance. This Lot is designed to address those recommendations.

2 The design, manufacture and modification to the coupler drawgear release mechanism (Not Awarded)

Please note that this Lot was not awarded and there will be a new sourcing strategy for this lot)

Award Detail

1 Engineering Support Group (Doncaster)
  • The design, manufacture and supply of underframe modification services
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £8,963,000

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 50221000 - Repair and maintenance services of locomotives
  • 34600000 - Railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock and associated parts
  • 50222000 - Repair and maintenance services of rolling stock
  • 50223000 - Reconditioning services of locomotives
  • 50224000 - Reconditioning services of rolling stock


  • Award on basis of price.

