CT1453 - Working Age Adults Commissioning Framework

A Prior Information Notice (Social)

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Future Contract (Services)
not specified
12 Jul 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership (EHSCP) are looking to develop a Framework Agreement which will support the Working Age Adults pathway (WAAP). This programme includes people with Physical Disability (PD) and Learning Disability (LD) where this is a primary diagnosis. The purpose of this PIN is to engage with the market to re-design a service which will meet the growing demand in a sustainable, outcome focused and viable way. It is intended that organisations will engage with EHSCP to develop the requirement through supplier awareness sessions, co-production events and feedback surveys.

Total Quantity or Scope

Long Description As part of the early market engagement EHSCP are interested in working with organisations on reviewing and developing the specifications to ensure the services offered under Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 (SDS) option 3 are fit for purpose, and facilitate compliance with all relevant legislation. It is currently proposed there are two broad categories of care within this requirement, Place based Care, and Day Support Opportunities. These categories will be further explored to understand the detailed requirements within each category. The EHSCP initial thoughts are Place based Care, may include a) 24-hour support in places registered with the Care Inspectorate as Care Homes; b) 24-hour support in accommodation with linked support (e.g. core and cluster models; and c) Support in a person’s own home from LD/PD Service Providers (out-with One Edinburgh/ Thrive Contractual arrangements.) Day Support Opportunities, which are either a) Centre based provision of intensive individual and shared support or b) individual 1:1 support in a person’s home or to engage in community-based activities. The purpose of this PIN is to engage with the market and gain insight into the likely level of interest from providers in the EHSCP Requirement Place based Care, and Day Support Opportunities and the structure of the requirement will be part of future discussions with organisations who note interest in this PIN. It is anticipated that engagement will start in September 2024.

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


Other Information

By submitting your interest you are agreeing to further engagement with the EHSCP. The route to market is not yet fixed and this will also be discussed at the coproduction event, however it would be advised to network as much as possible through the event as collaborative, consortium and partnership bids will be welcomed as part of a key partnership model. For any resultant or future procurement, bidders will be asked to confirm that they will pay staff that are involved in the delivery of services under the contract, at least the real Living Wage. Tenderers who do not pass these questions will not be subject to Commercial Analysis. As a result the tender will not be considered further. Bidders must complete the SPD (Scotland) to demonstrate adherence to the Exclusion and Selection Criteria for this procurement. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=772269. (SC Ref:772269)

