Strule Shared Education Campus Main Works Contract

A Voluntary Ex-Ante Transparency (VEAT) Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Works)
3 year (est.)
26 Jul 2024
To 26 Jul 2027 (est.)



Omagh Co Tyrone

Geochart for 4 buyers and 2 suppliers
Department of Education
Woodvale Lowry
Woodvale Lowry JV Lowry
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC) Programme is a longstanding Executive priority with continued broad political support. It is a hugely significant programme, representing massive capital investment in the west of Northern Ireland (NI), stimulating further development and regeneration of the region. The SSEC programme will bring together 6 schools and over 4000 children and young people, from all backgrounds who will learn together on a vibrant and dynamic campus. As a pioneering project it will transform education in NI. Significant work on the Strule Programme has been completed to date, including delivery of 1 of the 6 schools. The SSEC Main Works Competition (MWC) will include the delivery of the remaining five post primary school buildings and associated facilities which equate to approximately 64,000m² of building accommodation, in addition to synthetic pitches, infrastructure, environmental protection, landscaping and general site development works.

Total Quantity or Scope

To deliver the works as envisaged in Section II.1.4 a competitive tender using the Open Procedure commenced on 13th December 2021. Only one tender was submitted which was deemed to be unacceptable resulting in the Department undertaking a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPN) in accordance with the PCR Regulations 26(4)(b). Further detail on this process is included in Section II.2.11.

Award Detail

1 Woodvale Lowry (Omagh)
  • Strule Shared education Campus Main Works Contract
  • Value: £237,865,075 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.
2 Woodvale Lowry JV Lowry (Castlederg)
  • Strule Shared education Campus Main Works Contract
  • Value: £237,865,075 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

Renewal Options

In response to the open procedure competition set out above, the contracting authority received one tender. This tender was unacceptable as the price exceeded the contracting authority’s budget as determined and documented prior to the launching of the procurement procedure. The contracting authorities was not required to publish a contract notice as it included in the procedure only, the sole tenderer and this tenderer had satisfied the criteria set out in regulations 57 to 64 and which, during the prior open procedure, submitted a tender in accordance with the formal requirements of the procurement procedure. The purpose of this voluntary notice is to make known that in consequence of this, the contracting authority applied the competitive procedure with negotiation with the sole tenderer in accordance with Regulation 29, as permitted by Regulation 26(4)(b). Further, as that procedure has now concluded, the contracting authority intends to enter into a contract or contracts with the tenderer to provide the works and services that are the subject of the competitions at a contract value of £237,865,074.84.

CPV Codes

  • 45210000 - Building construction work


  • Options are available.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information


