Principal Contractor - Manorfields Redevelopment

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
17.5 month
03 Sep 2024
21 Oct 2024 to 31 Mar 2026
03 Oct 2024 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers


The Council is seeking suitable providers to undertake the refurbishment of Manorfields an existing building which comprising various units of single person; parent & child; and larger family accommodation. The refurbishment proposals and sequencing of the works should be considerate of a phased decanting of residents and staff. Manorfields is a Temporary Accommodation facility in a residential part of Orpington, close to the town centre and with very good transport connections. The facilities are where people stay for short periods of time whilst their housing needs are fully established or assessed. The length of time people stay can vary significantly from a few nights, to occasionally a few years in the more extreme cases. The current facility had some works carried out circa 8 years ago to convert it from an Older Person's Care Home into its current use. Manorfields currently has 62 rooms available for use. The existing building is generally a single storey structure with two storey areas to the extremities. The roof structure over the single storey areas comprises pitched roofs with concrete roof tiles, with some areas having a flat roof with felt roof coverings. The external skin of the perimeter external walls is generally of masonry construction with some areas to be rendered and of timber cladding with glazed areas. The external doors are aluminium double-glazed doors to main entrance and timber exit doors. The canopies are constructed with steel framed and glazed canopy. The windows are metal framed single and double-glazed windows, timber single glazed windows and PVCu double glazed windows. The internal walls are of solid masonry and stud partitions. The project comprises the refurbishment works with the reconfiguration of the internal layouts of the existing building to accommodate the total of 40no units; which comprises of 5no units Studio 1P, 8no units of 1 Bedroom 1P, 11no units of 1 Bedroom 2P, 15no units of 2 Bedroom 3/4P and 1no unit of 3 Bedroom 5P. The Employer's brief for the scope of works includes; 1) to improve the temporary accommodation facilities, making each unit self-contained; 2) to improve maintenance of the facilities; 3) to improve the quality of living accommodation of residents; 4) to create new communal areas and 5) renewal of the MEP building services installations and necessary repairs/replacement to the external elements of the existing buildings. The existing building will be partly occupied during the works. The residents will be reallocated in line with a decanting strategy, allowing the works to be carried out. The decanting strategy and proposed sequence of works are indicated in the Employer's Brief and Objectives document. The project will be procured on a two-stage tender method of procurement, utilising the JCT Design and Build Contract 2016 Edition and the Employer's Schedule of Contract Amendments.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work

