Request for Quotation: ISO 27001 Certification

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
3 year
13 Sep 2024
01 Oct 2024 to 31 Oct 2027
23 Sep 2024 17:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The purpose of this Request for Quotation (RFQ) is to request fixed price quotations for the provision of ISO 27001 audit and certification services, followed by two years of surveillance audits to ensure continued compliance with the ISO standard. The certification and audits will ensure the effectiveness of ARK Group DMCC's information security practices. ARK Group DMCC is a social enterprise specialising in stabilisation, development, peacebuilding, displacement, irregular migration, and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE), primarily in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCAS). Founded in 2012, ARK focuses on reconciling the human security needs of local communities with the concerns of governmental clients and international organisations. ARK's core activities encompass research and analysis, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building, and programme and project design and management. Procedures for Submitting Quotations and Awarding Contract a. Firms are to submit their quotation by email to Please title the email "RFQ ARK1499 ISO 27001 Certification" and send submission as one email with four separate attachments as outlined below: Attachment 1: Quotation Declaration Form Attachment 2: Technical Proposal Attachment 3: Price Proposal Attachment 4: Provide a copy of a valid company registration document. b. Quotations will be received until the closing date provided on page 1. Quotations received after the closing time will not be accepted. c. Discussions may be held to clarify quotations, and ARK may request the best and final offers in the event of closely matched offers. d. Any requests for clarification regarding this RFQ must be emailed to The RFQ number should be quoted in all correspondence. All answers will be anonymised and shared with other potential bidders. Please refer to the attached Request for Quotation (RFQ) document for complete details.

CPV Codes

  • 48800000 - Information systems and servers
  • 72212731 - File security software development services
  • 72212732 - Data security software development services
  • 72212781 - System management software development services
  • 72315000 - Data network management and support services
  • 72330000 - Content or data standardization and classification services
  • 72810000 - Computer audit services
  • 79212110 - Corporate governance rating services
  • 98910000 - Services specific to international organisations and bodies


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

RFQ ARKAE1499 with Appendix 1 SOW RFQ ARKAE1499 ISO 27001 Certification.pdf Appendix 2 Company information Appendix 2 Company Informatioin.xlsx Appendix 3 Supplier Response form Appendix 3 Supplier Response Form .xlsx Appendix 4 Quotation Declaration form Quotation Declaration Form.pdf

