UK – Random Testing Contracts (filtered) Filters: Keywords Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational Buyer type Allaviationcentral-govconsortiumcouncilculturedefenceeducationenergyenterpriseenvironmentfinancegov-agencyhealthhousingjusticemarineother-buyersafetytransportwater More filters Refine Search Found 6 notices in past year. January 2025Pbni Probation Board for Northern IrelandDoJ - PBNI - Drug Testing ServicesupdateFcaFinancial Lives Survey, Waves 5 to 7award: 3 suppliers£3.8MNovember 2024Pbni Probation Board for Northern IrelandDoJ - PBNI - Drug Testing ServicesupdateOctober 2024Pbni Probation Board for Northern IrelandDoJ - PBNI - Drug Testing Servicestender£240KDoJ - PBNI - Drug Testing ServicesupdateJuly 2024FcaFinancial Lives Survey, Waves 5 to 7tender£5.6M (No more available)