UK – Internet Or Intranet Client Contracts
Refine SearchFound 318 notices in past month.
w/c 23 Mar 2025
Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council
- award: Nec Software Solutions£2.8M
- award: Pure IP£217K
Cabinet Office
- award: Softcat£722K
Care Quality Commission
- tender£21.5M
- award: Trustmarque Solutions£21.5M
Department for Education
- award: Accenture£1.3M
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
- award: Nec Software Solutions£68.4K
- award: Softcat£54K
- award: Cognizant Worldwide£12.3M
Home Office
- award: Thales Dis£54.2M
- award: Civica£1.7M
Lancaster City Council
- award: Zellis£414K
- award: Zellis UK Limites£318K
Leicestershire County Council
- award: Signis£77.7K
Lincolnshire County Council
- award: NCC Group Security Services£2M
- award: NCC Group Security Services£1.8M
Liverpool City Council
- award: Phoenix Software£4.2M
- award: Redbay£4.2M
- award: Boxxe£214K
- award: Centerprise£32.1K
Newcastle City Council
- award: Specialist Computer Centres£1.1M
- award: Specialist Computer Centres£1.1M
Northumbria Police
- award: British Telecommunications£106K
- award: British Telecommunications£96.1K
- award: Ndi Technologies£74.5K
Police Service of Northern Ireland
- award: [Redacted]£770K
Single Source Regulations Office
- award: Burendo£175K
South West Police Procurement Service
- award: Black Rainbow£1.6M
- award: Nice Systems£1.1M
- award: Nec Software Solutions£290K
Strathclyde University
- tender£222K
Tourism Northern Ireland
- award: Simpleview LLC£2.1M
UK Shared Business Services
- award: Dell Corporation£3.2M
- £1.7M
- £500K
- award: Kampakis£250K
- award: Softcat£30.6K
West Yorkshire Combined Authority
- £397K
- £397K
- award: 40 suppliers£750M
Association of North East Councils
- tender£20B
- notice£10B
Crown Commercial Service
- tender£16B
- update£16B
- update£16B
Newcastle City Council
- tender£250K
- tender£250K
Home Office
- award: Thales Dis£54.2M
w/c 16 Mar 2025
Bank of England
- award: Airwalk Consulting Reply£155K
- update
British Council
- tender£100K
British Transport Police Authority
- award: CDW£41.6K
Cambridgeshire County Council
- award: 4Oc£490K
Defence Science & Technology Laboratory
- award: Flyform£79.9K
Department for Education
- award: Qualitest Group£10.4M
- award: Metataxis£79.9K
- award: Bramble Hub£13.5M
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
- award: Abaco£27M
- award: Atos IT Services£1.4M
- award: British Telecommunications£219K
Department of Health & Social Care
- award: Ceox Services£582K
Department for Work & Pensions
- award: Bedigital£2.9M
- award: Stadia Consulting Group£2.8M
- award: CMC Partnership Consultancy£85.8K
Derbyshire County Council
- award: 2 suppliers£109K
Education Authority
- award
HM Revenue & Customs
- pin£417M
- award: Mercator IT Solutions£268K
HM Treasury
- pin
Home Office
- award: PA Consulting Services£85M
London Borough of Camden
- award: Nec Software Solutions£44.4K
- award: Computacenter£1.7M
- award: Answer Digital£1.3M
- award: Computacenter£601K
NHS England
- £100K
- £100K
Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
- tender£400K
- update
Pensions Regulator
- award: Envitia£153K
- award: Corporate Project Solutions£50.2K
- award: Atos IT Services£48.7K
- award: Atos IT Services£48.7K
- award: Ultima Business Solutions£30K
- award: Ultima Business Solutions£30K
South West Police Procurement Service
- award: Reveal Media£1.5M
- award: Reveal Media£488K
- award: Softcat£149K
- award: Softcat£78.8K
Stoke on Trent City Council
- award: Prospectus Services£1M
- award: Prospects Services£198K
Student Loans
- award: Computacenter£288K
Sussex Community NHS Trust
- award: Switchshop£72.9K
- award: Switchshop£55.6K
- pin
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
- award: Atamis£6M
- award: WSP£220K
- award: Ove Arup & Partners£80K
- award: Bevan Brittan£50K
NHS England
- award: 2 suppliers£307M
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