UK – Password Monitoring Contracts Filters: Keywords Notice type AllLive tenders onlyPrior InformationTendersAwardsUpdates Region AllNorth East EnglandNorth West EnglandYorkshire / HumberEast MidlandsWest MidlandsEast of EnglandLondonSouth East EnglandSouth West EnglandWalesScotlandNorthern IrelandUK - GeneralInternational More filters Refine Search Found 8 notices in past year. February 2025Poole Harbour CommissionersPort Security ServicesawardCamden & Islington NHS TrustFreedom to Speak Up ServicestenderJanuary 2025IslingtonParking Enforcement, Cashless Parking and Associated ServicestenderDecember 2024Poole Harbour CommissionersPort Security Servicestender£2.5MPension Protection FundPassword Management Software - Dashlane Business Plusaward: Bytes Software Services£73.9KAugust 2024Islington CouncilParking Enforcement, Cashless Parking and Associated Servicestender£133MMay 2024United Utilities WaterVariable Speed Drivespin£3MApril 2024Pension Protection FundPassword Manager Softwareaward: Bytes Software Services£71.2K (No more available)