Contract Locations: Northern Ireland – Emergency Responses Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 22 buyers and 20 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 21 buyer locations and 19 supplier locations.) 

Top 20 buyers
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service - 5
- Doh Health Estates - 5
- Northern Ireland Housing Executive - 4
- Belfast Health & Social Care Trust - 3
- Interconnector Services - 3
- City of London Corporation - 2
- Belfast City Council - 2
- Department for Infrastructure - 2
- Choice Housing - 2
- Armagh City Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council - 2
- Ards & North Down Borough Council - 2
- Dfi Transport & Road Asset Management Tram - 2
- Health & Safety Executive for Northern Ireland - 2
- Translink - 1
- NI Water & Its Subsidiaries - 1
- Northern Ireland Electricity Networks - 1
- Northern Ireland Water - 1
- North Belfast Housing Association - 1
- Psni Police Service of Northern Ireland - 1
- Phoenix Energy Group - 1
Top 18 suppliers
- Northern Ireland
- Greentown Environmental - 2
- Combined Facilities Management - 1
- Contract Services DGN - 1
- Diamond Electronic Systems - 1
- Glendale Tree Services - 1
- John Courtney Tree Surgery - 1
- M Large Tree Services - 1
- Murphys Tree Service - 1
- Road Safety Contracts - 1
- SPR Mcgowan Tree Services - 1
- Tristan Kinnear - 1
- Woodlawn - 1
- London
- South East England
- ISS Mediclean - 1
- Scotland Gas Networks - 1
- UK - General
- Ricardo - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Cetix - 1