Contract Locations: South West England – Young Person Service Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 25 buyers and 106 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 25 buyer locations and 149 supplier locations.) 

Top 22 buyers
- South West England
- Bristol City Council - 16
- Cornwall Council - 12
- Devon County Council - 7
- Bath & North East Somerset Council - 7
- Gloucestershire County Council - 6
- Torbay Council - 6
- Dorset Council - 3
- NHS Devon Integrated Care Board - 3
- NHS South Central & West CSU - 2
- Plymouth City Council - 2
- Wiltshire Council - 2
- South Gloucestershire Council - 2
- English Heritage - 2
- City of Bristol College - 2
- UK Research & Innovation - 1
- Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council - 1
- Historic England - 1
- Somerset County Council - 1
- City College Plymouth - 1
- NHS Bristol North Somerset & South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board - 1
- English Heritage Marketing - 1
- Learning Academy Partnership South West - 1
Top 100 suppliers
- South West England
- Newcross Healthcare Solutions - 3
- Caring for Communities & People - 3
- South Devon College - 3
- Cheltenham YMCA - 3
- Secondstep - 3
- Elim Housing - 3
- Ara - 3
- Garas - 3
- Gda - 3
- Nelson Trust - 3
- Promoting Independent Care - 3
- SF Housing & Support Services - 3
- Shire Training Workshops - 3
- HF Trust - 2
- Livewest Homes - 2
- Bristol City Robins Foundation - 2
- Calton House - 2
- Colebrook South West - 2
- Cosgarne Hall - 2
- Disability Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly - 2
- Eat That Frog CIC - 2
- Elizabeth House Newquay - 2
- Find A PA - 2
- Foundation for Active Community Engagement - 2
- Glorylilly Care - 2
- Havencare Homes & Support - 2
- Kerensa Care & Support - 2
- Marama Care - 2
- Oakshed Care - 2
- Pendennis House - 2
- Rightnurse Care Services - 2
- River Exe Healthcare - 2
- Sound Communities - 2
- Turning Heads Changing Perceptions & Lives - 2
- Wecil - 2
- Youth Connect South West - 2
- University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Trust - 1
- Future Roots - 1
- Turning Heads - 1
- Brandon Trust - 1
- 4Me&U - 1
- 4Me&U Ta Devencare - 1
- 4Me&U Ta Devoncare - 1
- Activate Performing Arts - 1
- Age UK Wiltshire - 1
- Aspire Support - 1
- Beyond Limits - 1
- Beyond Limits Plymouth - 1
- Brandon Trust Services - 1
- Bristol Family Care - 1
- Coastline Housing - 1
- Community First - 1
- Diverse Abilities - 1
- Falcare CIC - 1
- Falcare Community Interest - 1
- Hartcliffe & Withywood Ventures - 1
- Living Options Devon - 1
- Loveguard - 1
- Park Education - 1
- Peredur Trust - 1
- London
- South East England
- East Midlands
- People Potential Possibilities - 3
- Stonewater - 3
- Favour Health - 2
- Icons Group - 1
- DKM Healthcare - 1
- West Midlands
- East of England
- Royal Mencap Society - 2
- Midco Care - 2
- Selborne Care - 2
- BZ Bodies - 1
- North West England
- Riverside Group - 3
- Nyas - 1
- National Youth Advocacy Service - 1
- Wales
- Q Care - 3
- UK - General
- Midco Care - 1
- Peredur Trust - 1
- North East England
- Home Group - 2
- Yorkshire / Humber