CWC20194 - Traditional House Building on Small Garage Sites in Wolverhampton (Tranche 5)
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Works)
- Duration
- 14.5 month
- Value
- £6M
- Sector
- Published
- 12 Jan 2021
- Delivery
- 15 Apr 2021 to 30 Jun 2022
- Deadline
- 12 Feb 2021 12:00
1 buyer
- Wolverhampton City Council Wolverhampton
The City of Wolverhampton council is delivering new council housing developments across the City on former garage sites and small infill pockets of land. The Council intends to bring forward a further eleven sites for the development of council housing using traditional construction methods and the purpose of this tender is intended to appoint two Principal Contractors to deliver all the schemes split into two discrete Lots on site through to practical completion and subsequent defects liability period. The intent is to award Lot 1 and Lot 2 separately however if a single supplier is preferred for both lots the Client does reserve the right to subsume as a single contract. The proposed terms and conditions for this project are the JCT Design and Build Contract 2016, with Amendments. It is assumed that any supplier returning a tender for this requirement will have a copy and is familiar with these terms and conditions and will have previous experience of executing contracts on this basis.
CPV Codes
- 45215214 - Residential homes construction work
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
This requirement is being tendered through Wolverhampton City Council's e-procurement portal which can be located at the following address: WWW.WOLVERHAMPTONTENDERS.COM .Registration to the site is free and should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Once registered the full Invitation to Tender can be accessed and downloaded.
- WOLVCITY001-DN514877-08891249
- CF 2d7a4fd4-20c5-4b0f-a42f-5d3817dafde1