Probation Services Dynamic Framework (PSDF) — Day 1 Services
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 10 year (est.)
- Value
- £242M
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Apr 2021
- Delivery
- To 08 Jun 2037 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9AJ

2 buyers
- Ministry of Justice London
28 suppliers
- Ingeus Greater London
- Maximus UK Services Ringmer
- Seetec Business Technology Centre Hockley
- Growth Greater Manchester
- Nacro London
- Thirteen Housing Group Middlesborough
- Nacro Greater London
- St Giles Wise Group Partnership London
- Forward Trust London
- Catch22 Charity London
- Foundation Leeds
- Growth Manchester
- Forward Trust Manchester
- Ingeus London
- Nelson Trust Stroud
- Together Women Project Leeds
- Changing Lives Gateshead
- Willowdene Rehabilitation & Training Bridgnorth
- BWC Brighton Womens Centre Brighton
- Women in Prison London
- Nottingham Womens Centre Nottingham
- PSS Liverpool
- Lincolnshire Action Trust Lincoln
- Lancashire Women Accrington
- Advance Charity London
- Womens Services in Essex London
- Women S Centre Cornwall TWCC Bodmin
- Womens Work Derbyshire Derby
This contract award notice details the award of 89 call off competitions conducted by the Authority via the Ministry of Justice's Probation Service Dynamic Framework, these services provide interventions to support service users subject to court orders and custodial sentences from pre-release through post-release licence and post sentence supervision to reduce re-offending. The framework and subsequent call-off competitions have been procured via the light touch regime. The services procured across various national regions are: • accommodation; • education training and employment; • personal wellbeing (emotional wellbeing; lifestyle and associates; family and significant others; social inclusion); • personal wellbeing young adults (as above plus young adult cohort); • women's services (accommodation; education training and employment; finance benefit and debt; emotional wellbeing; lifestyle and associates; family and significant others; social inclusion; women's cohort).
Total Quantity or Scope
In June 2020 the Ministry of Justice established the Probation Services Dynamic Framework (PSDF) to allow the Authority and Participating Bodies to purchase services to deliver rehabilitative and resettlement Interventions. The Dynamic Framework and subsequent Call-Off Competitions are conducted inline with the Light Touch Regime of PCR2015. The Authority have utilised the PSDF to procure a range of services to meet The Authority’s requirements that must be live on Day 1 of delivery which is the 26th June 2021. Only bidders that were qualified onto the PSDF within the appropriate financial thresholds, relevant regions and the appropriate service categories were invited to the Call-Off Competitions. All guidance on this is available within the PSDF Contract Notice and subsequent documentation. The Authority has conducted 89 call off competitions through the PSDF and this Contract Award Notice details the award of each of the competitions. It is likely that there will be additional services procured for Day 1, these will be published by an additional Contract Award Notice. The Authority procured the following services; • Accommodation; • Education Training and Employment; • Personal Wellbeing (Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion); • Personal Wellbeing Young Adults (Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion; Young Adults Cohort) • Women's Services (Accommodation; Education Training and Employment; Finance Benefit and Debt; Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion; Women's Cohort) The initial approach was to procure for the following services at the following regional levels, depending on the requirements; • Accommodation procured at the National Probation Service regional level; • Education Training and Employment procured at the National Probation Service regional level; • Personal Wellbeing (Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion) procured at Police and Crime Commissioner regional level;. • Personal Wellbeing Young Adults (Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion; Young Adults Cohort) procured at Police and Crime Commissioner regional level; • Women's Services (Accommodation; Education Training and Employment; Finance Benefit and Debt; Emotional Wellbeing; Lifestyle and Associates; Family and Significant Others; Social Inclusion; Women's Cohort) procured at Police and Crime Commissioner regional level; In some regions, no compliant bids were recieved. The Authroity carryied out further market analysis, which infomred the decision to re-run some of the National Probation Service regional level competitions at Police and Crime Commissioner regional level. Accommodation Wales has now been awarded to 4 Police and Crime Commissioner regions. Further competition re-runs are in progress and these will be detailed in future notices.
Award Detail
1 | Ingeus (Greater London)
2 | Maximus UK Services (Ringmer)
3 | Maximus UK Services (Ringmer)
4 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
5 | Ingeus (Greater London)
6 | Maximus UK Services (Ringmer)
7 | Maximus UK Services (Ringmer)
8 | Growth (Greater Manchester)
9 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
10 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
11 | Nacro (London)
12 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
13 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
14 | Thirteen Housing Group (Middlesborough)
15 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
16 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
17 | Nacro (Greater London)
18 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
19 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
20 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
21 | Forward Trust (London)
22 | Ingeus (Greater London)
23 | Ingeus (Greater London)
24 | Forward Trust (London)
25 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
26 | Ingeus (Greater London)
27 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
28 | Ingeus (Greater London)
29 | Ingeus (Greater London)
30 | Catch22 Charity (London)
31 | Ingeus (Greater London)
32 | Foundation (Leeds)
33 | Nacro (London)
34 | Growth (Manchester)
35 | Seetec Business Technology Centre (Hockley)
36 | Forward Trust (London)
37 | Nacro (London)
38 | Growth (Manchester)
39 | Growth (Manchester)
40 | Forward Trust (Manchester)
41 | Forward Trust (London)
42 | Catch22 Charity (London)
43 | Nacro (London)
44 | Catch22 Charity (London)
45 | Forward Trust (London)
46 | Catch22 Charity (London)
47 | Catch22 Charity (London)
48 | Forward Trust (London)
49 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
50 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
51 | Catch22 Charity (London)
52 | Ingeus (Greater London)
53 | Ingeus (London)
54 | Nelson Trust (Stroud)
55 | Together Women Project (Leeds)
56 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
57 | Willowdene Rehabilitation & Training (Bridgnorth)
58 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
59 | BWC Brighton Womens Centre (Brighton)
60 | Women in Prison (London)
61 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
62 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
63 | Nottingham Womens Centre (Nottingham)
64 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
65 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
66 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
67 | PSS (Liverpool)
68 | Lincolnshire Action Trust (Lincoln)
69 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
70 | Lancashire Women (Accrington)
71 | Advance Charity (London)
72 | Together Women Project (Leeds)
73 | Advance Charity (London)
74 | Advance Charity (London)
75 | Nelson Trust (Stroud)
76 | Womens Services in Essex (London)
77 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
78 | Women S Centre Cornwall TWCC (Bodmin)
79 | Women S Centre Cornwall TWCC (Bodmin)
80 | Womens Work Derbyshire (Derby)
81 | PSS (Liverpool)
82 | Changing Lives (Gateshead)
83 | St Giles Wise Group Partnership (London)
84 | Advance Charity (London)
85 | Nelson Trust (Stroud)
86 | Forward Trust (London)
87 | Forward Trust (London)
88 | Nacro (London)
89 | Forward Trust (London)
Renewal Options
— the authority reserved the right to exclude tenders that did not achieve a total quality score of 60 per cent, — the authority reserved the right to exclude tenders that did not meet specified individual question thresholds (thresholds varied depending on the competition), — certain specific call-off contracts have been awarded based on Highest Quality Conforming (HQC) tender, — weightings varied from the above in some call off competitions, — the sub-requirements within each question varied, these were described in the Invitation to Tender, with response templates provided by the authority. The specific evaluation and award criteria for each competition were detailed in full in the procurement documents for each individual call off competition. The procurement documents are published on the Authority's esorcing portal.
Award Criteria
Specification Compliance | 3.0 |
Quality of Relationships and Engagement Network in the local landscape | 15.0 |
Delivering Services to Service Users | 28.0 |
Quality of Staff | 5.0 |
Risk Management and Information Sharing | 6.0 |
Equalities | 10.0 |
Continuous Improvement | 3.0 |
Implementation | 10.0 |
Digital and Technology | 6.0 |
Information Assurance & Cyber Security | 4.0 |
Workforce | 5.0 |
Pensions | _ |
Estates | 5.0 |
PRICE | _ |
CPV Codes
- 75231240 - Probation services
- 33693300 - Addiction treatment
- 75110000 - General public services
- 75130000 - Supporting services for the government
- 75200000 - Provision of services to the community
- 75230000 - Justice services
- 75231200 - Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
- 75231230 - Prison services
- 75310000 - Benefit services
- 79611000 - Job search services
- 80000000 - Education and training services
- 80400000 - Adult and other education services
- 80500000 - Training services
- 80521000 - Training programme services
- 80530000 - Vocational training services
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
- 85300000 - Social work and related services
- 85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
- 85312400 - Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions
- 85312500 - Rehabilitation services
- 85312510 - Vocational rehabilitation services
- 85321000 - Administrative social services
- 85322000 - Community action programme
- 98341100 - Accommodation management services
- Options are available.
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
Contract values are based on volumes which the customer may amend during the contract term. Figures stated in the contract notice reflect the authority's volume estimates at the time of publication. The majority of the services within scope of the DF are listed within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) and so, pursuant to Regulation 74 of the PCR are subject to the ‘Light Touch Regime’ or 'LTR' under which the Authority is not obliged to comply with the full requirements of the PCR. The DF is described as a framework agreement, but has features of a dynamic purchasing system; it is not subject to either Regulation 33 or 34 of the PCR, and Regulation 28 does not apply to this procurement. This is irrespective of the use of this standard form notice (the Authority is unable to use the LTR notice for technical compatibility reasons). The authority will comply with its equal treatment, transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality obligations throughout the procurement.
- OJEU 193253-2021