Market Engagement - HMP Berwyn Learning & Skills Provision

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
23 Feb 2022
01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
16 Mar 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is tendering the Learning and Skills provision for HMP Berwyn, Wrexham, North Wales. HMP Berwyn opened in 2017, with a maximum capacity of 2106 prisoners. The prison is a learning establishment, providing a holistic learning environment. Learning and Skills should be embedded across every aspect of prison life, so that every facility or activity within the prison offers an opportunity for individuals to learn or develop new skills. The Contractor shall be required to deliver a minimum of 488 up to an indicative maximum of 609. Learning and Skills places each day in the education building and vocational workshops; and delivered during the core day. Delivery will be from classrooms within the College and vocational workshops on site. The Learning and Skills provider will have access to 27 classrooms and 3 vocational workshops to support delivery. In addition, the Contractor shall provide embedded learning places in other areas across the prison. The Learning and Skills Contractor will deliver a range of quality, engaging and motivational Learning and Skills provision consisting of assessment of the prisoners' needs and the delivery of Essential Skills, Vocational, Non-Vocational and Employability accredited courses appropriate to the prison population. The ethos represents a commitment to supporting the learner through their sentence, understanding that learning and resettlement support extends throughout the learners offending journey and beyond into the community. This positively aligns with the strategic objectives of the Welsh Government and MoJ. The purpose of this engagement is to secure wider market involvement in development of the learning and skills provision in HMP Berwyn, and to assess the level of appetite from different education providers in the delivery of such provision, as well as test with the market the potential delivery and procurement models. The Authority plans to hold a market engagement event via MS Teams on the 22nd March 2022 from 10:00 - 12:30. This will include more specific information on the learning and skills objectives and requirements. At the Market Engagement event we will present information on specific issues e.g. payment & performance mechanism/incentivisation, procurement process, risk allocation, learning environment ownership.

CPV Codes

  • 75231200 - Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Suppliers interested in participating should confirm their interest by 3pm on 16th March 2022 by email to the Prison Education commercial team at clearly stating HMP Berwyn Learning and Skills Tender in the subject line. The form of response should be limited to the provision of a single point of contact (full company name, contact name, job title, e-mail address and telephone number). The Authority will then issue invitations to all interested parties, confirming the timings and MS Teams link to the event. Suppliers should be able to provide a flexible curriculum within the hours available for education provision. Learning should be flexible in its use of space, time and resources to provide the best possible opportunities for both adults and children and fully embrace the key objectives of the learning and skills provision including: - Allowing for the delivery of a 'Whole Prison Approach' to ensure the service provided is joined-up, streamlined and supports the integration of the industries, custody, education and health services; - Providing prisoners with employability skills which better prepare them for employment and thereby contribute to the rehabilitative culture of HMP Berwyn and support the reduction of re-offending; - Delivering high quality learning and the vision for the prison; - Embedding Learning and Skills within the prison through a delivery model that is engaging and motivational and removes barriers to learning; Sample Questions, full range of questions will be presented at the Market Engagement Event: - We are keen to hear from a range of suppliers and would be interested to hear of any specific perceived barriers to participation in this market. - What if any are the barriers to providing high quality learning and skills to the adult prison population. - How best to manage performance to maximise the learning and skills delivery. - We are keen to hear from all interested parties in relation to the types of data you will require in the data room to assist you in your solution development Please note: Response to the questions above is not required until after the event. We would we welcome your thoughts on the content of these questions above and any other areas to cover, in your return back to us requesting an invitation to the Market Engagement event. We reserve the right to supplement and vary the conduct of the prior engagement process. Where we do this, we will act transparently and treat all suppliers who have expressed an interest equally. Please note that the MoJ and its advisors give no warranty in respect of the accuracy, permanence or completeness of any information provided. Reliance on, or use of, any such information is entirely at the risk of the person so doing and, save in the case of fraud, under no circumstances will the MoJ or any of its advisors be liable for or accept any responsibility for any cost, expense or liability incurred by any person relying upon or using such information.

