Learning and Skills Provision at HMP Berwyn

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Framework (Services)
4 year
05 Sep 2022
05 Oct 2023 to 06 Oct 2027
28 Sep 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The Learning and Skills provision is to deliver a minimum of 488 and a maximum of 609 Learning and Skills activity places per day across 21 classrooms and 3 vocational workshops and embedded across the prison. The Authority's key objectives for the Contract are to: - Allow for the delivery of a 'Whole Prison Approach' to ensure the service provided is joined-up, streamlined and supports the integration of the industries, custody, education and health services; - Provide prisoners with employability skills which better prepare them for employment and thereby contribute to the rehabilitative culture of HMP Berwyn and support the reduction of re-offending; - Deliver high quality learning and the vision for the prison; - Embed Learning and Skills within the prison through a delivery model that is engaging and motivational and removes barriers to learning. The Service - high level requirements: - The successful Bidder shall be required to design the provision to meet the learning needs of the prison population, the education and employment opportunities in the resettlement areas prisoners return to following release from custody and to fit the prison's core day and operational conditions. - The successful Bidder will be expected to provide assessment and learning and skills places from the Service commencement date. - The aim of the daily regime at the Prison is to create a balanced and integrated regime. All Prisoners will have the opportunity to be out of their cell and participate in learning activities except when the needs of safety and security prevent it, or a Prisoner is undergoing punishment including Basic Regime under the IEP scheme. The successful Bidder will share the vision for the prison and will have an important role in promoting the learning culture throughout the prison and demonstrate support for the organisational values.

CPV Codes

  • 75231200 - Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The Contract has a four (4) year initial duration, plus an optional two (2) year extension and a further one (1) year extension if agreed by both the Authority and the Supplier. The Authority is using the Jaggaer electronic eSourcing Portal (formerly Bravo) for the procurement. The ITT, which is comprised of a number of volumes, is available only in electronic format via the eSourcing Portal. Bidders must register the names of all contacts requiring access to the sourcing event and should submit queries via the eSourcing Portal. Link to the eSourcing Portal: https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html The eSourcing Portal and procurement documents: The Authority is using the Jaggaer electronic eSourcing Portal (formerly Bravo) for the procurement. The ITT, which is comprised of a number of volumes, is available only in electronic format via the eSourcing Portal. (see Link 1) Bidders must register the names of all contacts requiring access to the sourcing event and should submit queries via the eSourcing Portal. This requirement has been classified as being subject to the Light Touch Regime under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. Under the Light Touch Regime, the Authority is not obliged to observe the full requirements of the Regulations, including the detailed rules and timescales applicable to the procurement procedures covered by the Regulations. Consequently, this procurement is being run in accordance with the Light Touch Regime as a bespoke procurement process following an SQ stage, Dialogue Stage (not evaluated) and ITT Stage. The Authority is not bound by the rules for competitive dialogues set out in Regulation 30. This is irrespective of the use of this standard notice (the Authority is unable to use the Light Touch Regime notice for technical compatibility reasons). The Authority will comply with its equal treatment, transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality obligations throughout the procurement. Award of contract: The Authority is not committed to any course of action as a result of this Contract Notice. It is not liable for any costs incurred in respect of expressing an interest, participating in dialogue or in tendering for this opportunity. The Authority reserves the right to abandon or terminate the procurement and not to award a contract at its own discretion. Nothing in this Contract Notice shall generate any contractual obligations prior to the signature of a Contract Important notice: This Contract Notice must be read in full together with the procurement documents being released at this stage of the procurement. Bidders are reminded that participation in this procurement will be subject to the conditions of participation set out in the procurement documents and the eSourcing Portal. Transparency: HM Government requires that tender documentation issued by government departments for contracts exceeding 10 000 GBP over the life of the contract are published online (www.gov.uk/contractsfinder) for the general public. The resulting contract shall also be published. The Authority may use its discretion to redact information to protect key commercial interest or on prescribed grounds. Therefore potential providers who wish information not to be published, if successful, should secure agreements with the Authority prior to submission. These could cover key commercial interest, trade secrets and commercial interests which would be prejudiced by publication, all following the test in section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. eSourcing Link https://ministryofjusticecommercial.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.html

