Independent Investigations

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year
20 Sep 2022
To 27 Sep 2026 (est.)
18 Oct 2022 00:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS England
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Independent Investigation Services Framework for the NHS with scope to cover various service types whichhave been divided into five lots - Individual Expert Investigations, Partnership Investigations, Local CareSystem Investigations, Health & Social Care & Partners Investigations and Systematic IndependentInvestigations. Contract award beneath the framework will be placed via Mini-Competition or Direct Award.The services being procured under the Framework are for Health services and are subject to therequirements of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) Chapter 3, Particular ProcurementRegimes, Section 7 Social and Other Specific Services.Bidders will also have the opportunity to apply to join the Framework Agreement on an annual basis.Bidders who are already on the Framework Agreement have the opportunity to apply for further lots if theyso wish on an annual basis. Bidders who are unsuccessful are not precluded from re-applying duringsubsequent rounds.

Total Quantity or Scope

OverviewInvestigation likely to be within local system/ single service/limited stakeholders/Peer Review.Additional support to health sector organisation / independent from system.DescriptionIndividual expert supporting a provider/service to undertake an in-house investigation. Supportingorganisations/systems to undertake a specific investigation in response to an incident/developmentalneeds/independent chairing.The NHS is creating a Framework for Independent Investigation Services that meets the technical and geographic requirements for the NHS. It is the NHS's intention to place a flexible and responsive framework to enable the NHS to comply with the NHS Patient Safety Incident Framework.The framework Agreement is split into five lots:Lot 1 - Individual Independent InvestigationsLot 2 - Partnership InvestigationsLot 3 - Local Care System InvestigationsLot 4 - Health & Social Care & Partners InvestigationsLot 5 - Systematic Independent InvestigationsBidders will also have the opportunity to apply to join the Framework Agreement on an annual basis.The Services to which this Procurement relates fall within Schedule 3 of the Public ContractsRegulations 2015 (the “Regulations”). As such, the procurement of the Services is being run as a bespoke, Open Process Procedure, involving the completion of a Qualification Questionnaire toqualify for acceptance onto the Framework Agreement. If the criteria for acceptance to the FrameworkContract is met or exceeded bidders may be asked to participate in Mini Competitions for contractsfor lots in which they have been successful or may be subject to the direct award of a contract.The Contracting Authorities do not intend to hold themselves bound by any of the Regulations, savethose applicable to Schedule 3 Services. Further information on service scope, lot descriptions, activities and outcomes are contained within the procurement documentation. Please note that thedeadline for QQ responses is 12:00 noon on 18/10/2022.East of England Collaborative Procurement Hub (EoECPH is conducting this procurement exercise as agent for and on behalf of the Contracting Authority (the NHS).Under no circumstances should Bidders approach the NHS directly.The Contracting Authorities and EoECPH are not and shall not be liable for any costs by those expressing an interest or concern for this contract opportunity. The Contracting Authority reserve the right at all times acting in their absolute discretion, not to award a contract, to make changes to thestructure, format, procedures, CPV codes and timing of the procurement process and to cancel orvary the process in its entirety or any part of it. The most economically advantageous or any tenderwill not be automatically accepted.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

