Learning Disability Nursing Enhanced Professional-Market Engagement(NHS England)

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract (Services)
not specified
18 Oct 2023
not specified
01 Nov 2023 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


NHS England (formerly Health Education England (HEE - the Commissioner)) will be commencing a Market Engagement Event for the delivery of the following offers: 1. Core module (offered at level 6) which will act as a refresh of core learning disability knowledge, skills, and core values. 2. Enhanced module (offered at level 6) to the higher level of complexity of clinical skill set needed to achieve, rather than a higher level of academic skills. It will enable learning disability nurses to increase their knowledge and skill set in specialist areas of learning disability care. The achievement of both Core module and Enhanced module will together lead to the awarding of a Postgraduate Certificate level award, (at level 6) which will be titled as the 'Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) award 001'. This will be in the form of a CPD for learning disability nurses, enabling nurses at all levels of practice to develop their knowledge and capabilities in caring for people with a learning disability. These offers will provide a nationally standardised and recognised education programme that will set the expectations for effective and safe practice. As part of the All England plan for Learning Disability nursing which was launched in 2020 by CNO Ruth May, a plan which was initiated in order to provide a structure to ensure the development and expansion of the learning disability nursing workforce. This plan has four themes: • Attract • Retain • Develop • Celebrate Further details attached to this notice. It is our intention to hold a market engagement event on Friday 3 November at 11:00 until 12:30pm to discuss our plans and consult with parties interested in potentially bidding for the delivery of these programmes. Please RSVP by Wednesday 1 November 12pm with the following details to england.commissioning@nhs.net. • Name • Your title • Email address • Details for attendees (a maximum of two attendees per organisation) An invite to the MS Teams session will be sent prior to the event and an agenda. NHSE will use the opportunity to gather intelligence and may influence and inform the development of the final tender. The contracting authority reserves the right not to proceed with the Procurement, or any part thereof, or change the requirements as necessary at any time. If the Authority decides to proceed with the opportunity, the procurement will be conducted under PCR 2015 (Public Contracts Regulations 2015), where a separate advert will be released advertising the opportunity.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services

Other Information

PIN for LDN CPD national PIN for LDN CPD national.docx

