GB-Edinburgh: Fabrication of Solar Array, A-Frames and Pedestals - Hyskeir

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Products)
2 month
16 Jan 2024
16 Jan 2024 to 15 Mar 2024
15 Jan 2024 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Northern Lighthouse Board
JGC Engineering & Technical Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Specification of Requirements Solar Array and A-Frames: Fabricate 6.4m high x 12m x 4m aluminium framework with access ladders leading to A-frames on two working platforms finished with a GRP deck and handrail as detailed on NLB contract drawings. Pedestals: Fabricate two number aluminium pedestals to support the Racon monitoring system and two number aluminium pedestals to support the LED Optics as detailed on NLB contract drawings. General:

Award Detail

1 JGC Engineering & Technical Services (Thurso)
  • Value: £137,728

CPV Codes

  • 45255400 - Fabrication work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

On completion of the fabrication works, a trial assembly is to be carried out at the suppliers premises to allow the Project Leader and / or his representative the opportunity to inspect individual structural members for acceptability, to check the proposed sequence of erection for safety, and to measure the expected duration of operations on site. Following the trial assembly the supplier should dismantle the structures, then schedule and co-ordinate the delivery and transportation of all components and other commodities to NLB (Oban) Base prior to Friday 15 March 2024. Programme All tenderers must submit a manufacturing and production plan , at tender stage, with a proposed start date during the week commencing Monday 15 January 2024. It is proposed that the fabrication works should take place over a period of 8-10 weeks and delivery of all items within the bill of quantities must be made to NLB's depot in Oban before Friday 15 March 2024. Tenderers should also advise of any anticipated delays or advancement of the fabrication works programme and incorporate all relevant lead-in times for materials, proprietary items, etc. The tenderers programme shall clearly set out the sequence of fabrication and proposed time limit within each operation giving the dates of commencement and completion. The tenderer in preparation of this programme shall take cognisance of work by sub-contractors, and availability of materials, transportation and all other matters related to the works. On agreement or negotiation of the programme by the Project Leader, the tenderer will be responsible for the execution of the work in conformity therewith. Submission of the programme will not relieve the tenderer of his responsibility to apply in writing for instructions, drawings etc. in accordance with the agreed contract terms and conditions. The tenderer shall record progress on a copy of the programme kept on his premises. The tenderer must also update or redraft the programme without delay if any circumstances arise, which affect the progress of the works and submit copies of all revisions to the Project Leader immediately. For a more detailed description please refer to the Tender Document. The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. Please follow this link to view the notice

