Provision of a new video-teleconferencing and court recording system for the Sovereign Base Area Courts

A Contract Addendum Notice

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Contract (Supply)
not specified
13 Jun 2024
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The UK Sovereign Base Area Administration (SBAA) is seeking a 3rd party contractor to install, implement and provide initial training and ongoing support for a new video-teleconferencing and court recording system for judicial courts in Episkopi and Dhekelia on the island of Cyprus.

Ammendments to Previous Notice

2. II.2 II.2.4

****UPDATE**** INVITATION TO A PRE-MARKET ENGAGEMENT CALL Further to the details contained in this Prior Information Notice, the SBAA and UK Strategic Command Commercial are pleased to invite interested potential tenderers to a pre-market engagement call. Event details - Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - Time: 2.45 pm EET (12.45 pm GMT) - Duration: 1hr 45 min - Platform: Microsoft Teams The call will provide an overview of the project requirements and objectives and will offer a forum for potential suppliers to ask questions and provide feedback on the proposed procurement process. Agenda: - Introduction - Overview of the SBA Administration and Courts - Overview of the requirement - Project management requirements - Technical requirements - User training and support services - Commercial overview How to register: Please confirm your attendance by email to Please include in your email, the following details for each person attending the call: - Name - Contact email - Position and title - The registered company name - Company web page URL The above information will provide the necessary details to add you to the call and supply some ancillary information that will help us to understand the background of the companies interested in fulfilling the requirements. If you have any enquiries about the call, please contact Kind regards, Sam Hunt Commercial Officer

CPV Codes

  • 32232000 - Video-conferencing equipment

Other Information

This notice has been published to alert the market to an upcoming competitive tender, that British Forces Cyprus intend to launch in July 2024. The Sovereign Base Area Administration are seeking a 3rd party contractor to install a new video-teleconferencing and court recording system into the UK Sovereign Base Area (SBA) judicial courts on the island of Cyprus. The successful contractor will provide a solution that includes: - installation of new hardware (cameras, microphones, speakers, screens) - software to support: a) a live-link facility to link all 4 court areas in Dhekelia (court room and sensitive suite) and Episkopi (court room and sensitive suite) and remote access via the internet; b) cloud storage of recorded court proceedings - Initial user-training - ongoing maintenance and support The new solution must be operational by 31 March 2025 at the latest and the intended award is October 2024 in order to allow sufficient time for implementation of the new solution.

