Needlefree Connection Systems and Associated Products 2025

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Future Contract (Supply)
not specified
09 Sep 2024
not specified



Various Locations in the UK

Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination
NHS Supply Chain
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The NHS Supply Chain Needlefree Connection Systems and Associated Products Framework 2025 is intended to cover Needlefree connectors, extension sets and accessories . Lot 1 Needlefree Connectors/Valves. Lot 2 Needlefree Extension Sets. Lot 3 Needlefree Closed System Transfer Devices. Lot 4 Needlefree Associated Products. It is anticipated in the first year that spend will be approximately £25,000,000 GBP, however this is approximate only and may vary depending on requirements of bodies purchasing under the Framework. The Framework Agreement between NHS Supply Chain and successful suppliers will reserve the right to purchase the same or similar supplies from suppliers not appointed to the Framework at its sole discretion. NHS Supply Chain intends to enter into arrangements under which it will be entitled to purchase supplies which it will make available for purchase by 1) any NHS Trust; 2) any other NHS entity; 3) any government department, agency or other statutory body and/or 4) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector. Only NHS Supply Chain can order from the Framework Agreement and enter into contracts under it.

Lot Division

1 Needlefree Connectors/Valves

Needlfree Connector/Valve, including Positive, Negative and Neutral fluid displacement, bi-directional fluid displacement and arterial.

2 Needlefree Extension Sets

Needlfree Extension sets, including single, double, triple, quad and Five Lumen

3 Needlefree Closed System Transfer Devices

Needlefree Closed system transfer devices.

4 Needlefree Associated Products

Needlefree Associated Products including bag spike dispensing pins, disinfectant caps, stopcock and other accessories

CPV Codes

  • 33194000 - Devices and instruments for transfusion and infusion
  • 33194100 - Devices and instruments for infusion
  • 33194120 - Infusion supplies
  • 33194200 - Devices and instruments for transfusion


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.

Other Information

The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time. The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission: - ISO 9001: 2015 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or equivalent) to cover all segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain. - Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to d-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable). - MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022). NHS Supply Chain will assess the Applicant’s economic and financial standing (or that of the entity or entities the Applicant is relying upon). Documentary evidence of this will be required at tender stage. NHS Supply Chain will be assessing Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender process: > Carbon reduction Plan – All suppliers of new contracts for goods, services and works are required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) (PPN 06/21). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender. > Social Value Requirements – All procurements will include a minimum 10% net zero and social value weighting. Questions in the upcoming tender will form part of the Non-Financial criteria. Should the upcoming tender be identified as Medium or High risk in relation to modern slavery, a pass/fail requirement will be implemented in relation to a Modern Slavery Social Value question, with a score of 2 or above required to achieve a pass. >Evergreen Assessment – All Suppliers are required to complete an Evergreen Supplier Assessment. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender. > NHS England Supplier Roadmap – The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps suppliers must take to align with the NHS net zero ambition between now and 2030. > Modern Slavery – All suppliers must complete and maintain an up-to-date Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) as a minimum requirement (PPN 02/23). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender. As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain anticipates engaging with suppliers of these products via an expression of interest. Please follow the guidance below: PORTAL ACCESS - Login with URL - Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers” and search for the title of the procurement. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - Click on the ‘EXPRESS INTEREST’ button in the top right corner. RFI - The Request for Information Document will be available in the Qualification envelope and attachments tab. The closing date for responses to the RFI will be indicated here.

