Market Engagement: Property Transformation Programme Workplace Services Management

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
20 Sep 2024
01 Jan 1 to 01 Jan 1
25 Sep 2024 22:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers

1 buyer


The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to inform the market of a potential opportunity for the provision of Workplace Services Management (WSM) and the Ministry of Justice's (MoJ) intention to engage with potential providers through a Preliminary Market Engagement (PME) event and subsequent PME activities. The publication of this early engagement opportunity is a voluntary publication and does not represent a commitment by the MoJ to initiate, run or complete a full procurement competition in relation to a contract for the services described and is not a call for competition. Workplace Services Management will be a managed service that provides the following key capabilities: - Integrated Digital System and Common Data Environment - Performance Management, Analysis and Reporting - Innovation, technology and data - Workplace Support Services - Assurance and Compliance - Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery - Asset Management - Sustainability and Social Value - Projects and Project Management The Property Transformation Programme (PTP) is planning to transform Facilities Management (FM) across the full HMPPS Prison and Probation estate. PTP may also be rolled out to any other MoJ estate, including potentially HMCTS estate in future. MoJ's estate is continually changing, including in terms of the buildings forming part of the estate and the number and location of those buildings, and will continue to change from the start of and during the life of the contract. PTP is intended to be flexible to accommodate such changes and all buildings within the general description above forming part of MoJ's estate from time to time are potentially within scope of the WSM contract. The TFM contracts will be competed and procured under a separate procurement exercise, the intention is that this will be competed under Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework RM6232 Facilities Management and Workplace Services. The indicative launch date is Oct 24. This PME will be relied on to inform the future WSM procurement. MoJ intends that the next notice to be published in respect of the WSM procurement will be a Contract Notice (indicative Oct 24). MoJ is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party in replying to the PIN or attending any event advertised in the PIN.

CPV Codes

  • 70000000 - Real estate services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The WSM Procurement is a national client-side partner who will enhance the capabilities of the internal organisation. This WSM Contractor will also provide a digital solution to integrate the data from the supply chain and provide the data to MoJ. The MoJ is implementing a Win Restriction relevant to the Contracts to be awarded for TFM, and the Contract which has been awarded for WSM which is that a Bidder cannot be awarded any of the TFM Contracts where it has been awarded the WSM Contract. The MoJ considers that there would be an operational conflict of interest if the same supplier was appointed to be both WSM Contractor and a TFM Contractor which cannot be addressed through a compliance regime such as ethical walls or physical separation of teams. The MoJ considers that this would also be the case if a WSM Contractor were carrying out a supervisory, monitoring and/or assurance function over: (a) Another part of its company group (if that other part of its company group were appointed as a TFM Contractor); or (b) A TFM Contractor which relies within its supply chain on the WSM Contractor to deliver a material part of a TFM Contract. We have engaged with the market about PTP including WSM during the period Jun 22 - Jun 24, including an earlier PIN (28/06/23). Market engagement has been with different parties including most recently suppliers under CCS Framework RM6168 (Lot 7), the previous route to market for WSM. The timing of the General Election resulted in our issue of ITT documentation being rescheduled from the summer to the autumn. As a result MoJ are unable to complete the WSM procurement and associated governance to allow a contract award prior to the expiry of the RM6168 framework in Jul 25. A new route to market is now being pursued as described below. This PIN launches the market engagement in respect of that new route to market. If you wish to view the earlier market engagement materials please provide us with two contacts by emailing us at . To access the documentation, you will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) via Adobe e-sign. We intend to run a virtual briefing call on 27/09/24 which will provide further details of the opportunity and how to participate in further in the market engagement activity. If you would like to attend this event please email by 25/09/24 providing contact details (e-mail addresses) of 2 people (max) per organisation. We do not require an NDA to be signed in order for your organisation to attend the briefing call. It is intended that the procurement will be conducted as a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation under the Public Contract Regulations 2015. Indicative dates are: Contract Notice Publication- Late Oct 24 Selection Questionnaire Response Period - Oct to Nov 24 ITT Response Period- Dec to Feb 25 Site Visits - Dec 24 Collaborative Behavioural Assessment - Jan 25 Contract Award - Oct 25 Further details will be provided at the call.

