Contract Locations: UK – Brent Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 58 buyers and 259 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 32 buyer locations and 262 supplier locations.) 

Top 29 buyers
- London
- London Borough of Brent - 78
- NHS North West London Integrated Care Board - 14
- London Borough of Ealing - 10
- London Borough of Haringey - 7
- Central & North West London NHS Trust - 4
- West London Waste Authority - 4
- Harrow Council - 3
- North West London Integrated Care Board - 3
- Department of Health & Social Care London - 2
- Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea - 2
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust - 2
- Mayors Office for Police & Crime - 2
- Perceval House - 2
- North West London Procurement Service - 2
- Old Oak & Park Royal Development Corporation Opdc - 2
- London Borough of Hillingdon - 1
- Partners Procurement Service - 1
- BiP Solutions - 1
- London Borough of Harrow - 1
- London Borough of Ealing Council - 1
- East of England
- Yorkshire / Humber
- South West England
- Devon County Council - 1
- Torbay Council - 1
- Livewest Homes - 1
Top 100 suppliers
- London
- Central London Community Health Care NHS Trust - 3
- Family Action - 2
- Childrens Society - 2
- Bridge Renewal Trust - 2
- Croydon Voluntary Action - 2
- Mind - 2
- ML Community Enterprise - 2
- Osmani Trust - 2
- Power the Fight - 2
- Step Up Hub - 2
- West Ham United Foundation - 2
- Wipers Youth CIC - 2
- Brent Carers - 1
- Brent Wandsworth & Westminster Mind - 1
- WSP - 1
- Ics Operations - 1
- Vita Health Solutions - 1
- Pinnacle Housing - 1
- Kooth Digital Health - 1
- Circle Health Group - 1
- Onecare - 1
- Ingeus - 1
- Unique Personnel - 1
- Mna Home Care Services - 1
- Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Trust - 1
- Hammersmith & Fulham Association for Mental Health - 1
- Fields Care - 1
- Landmark Chambers - 1
- St Lukes Hospice - 1
- South West England
- Young Devon - 2
- Brook Young People - 2
- Aidhour - 2
- Brent A Car - 1
- South Brent Pharmacy - 1
- 24X7 - 1
- A Taxi - 1
- Taxis - 1
- Independence Support - 1
- Clinical Partners - 1
- Holsworthy - 1
- Taw & Torridge Coaches - 1
- Oakleys Coaches - 1
- Jas Cars - 1
- Stamps Coaches - 1
- DJ Watts Coach Travel - 1
- Tally Ho Coaches - 1
- Webbers Taxi & Private Hire - 1
- 209 Contract Torbay - 1
- Barum Cabs 2021 - 1
- Bestride - 1
- Brad Cars - 1
- City Line Travel - 1
- Costa Cabs - 1
- Frankies Taxis & Private Hire - 1
- Frankies Taxis Teignbridge - 1
- Franks Cabs - 1
- Geomar Taxis - 1
- Green Contracts - 1
- Ocean City Transport - 1
- Quay Cars - 1
- Student CAB - 1
- Totnes Taxis - 1
- Transferify - 1
- Your CAB - 1
- North West England
- Abl Health - 3
- Spring North - 2
- Lancashire Mind - 2
- Warrington Youth Zone - 2
- YMCA St Helens - 2
- Young Persons Advisory Service - 2
- Property Tectonics - 1
- South East England
- Westminster Homecare - 3
- Isle of Wight Youth Trust - 2
- Healthshare - 2
- No Limits South - 2
- Youth Enquiry Service - 2
- Inhealth - 1
- Artic Building Services - 1
- East of England
- Centre 33 - 2
- Active Communities Network - 2
- Chums Charity - 2
- Mancroft Advice Project - 2
- 24X7 - 1
- Gasway Services - 1
- Parkguard - 1
- Care 4 All - 1
- West Midlands
- Shaw Trust - 3
- Base 25 - 2
- Onside - 2
- Seven Care Services - 1
- Mihomecare - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Chilypep - 2
- Noahs Ark Centre - 2
- Sheffield Futures - 2
- Psicon - 1
- East Midlands
- People Potential Possibilities - 2
- Node4 - 2
- Boots - 1
- St Andrews Healthcare - 1
- North East England