Contract Locations: London – Offshore Wind Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 15 buyers and 13 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 15 buyer locations and 12 supplier locations.) 

Top 14 buyers
- London
- Crown Estate Commissioners - 9
- Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs - 7
- Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs DEFRA Network Etendering Portal - 5
- Crown Estate - 4
- DEFRA - 3
- Department for Energy Security & Net Zero - 3
- National Grid - 2
- Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office - 1
- Natural England - 1
- DFTC Department for Transport - 1
- Ofgem - 1
- Associated British Ports - 1
- Harris Federation - 1
- Sourcedogg - 1
Top 12 suppliers
- London
- NPL - 2
- Ricardo AEA - 1
- Carbon Trust - 1
- Code Computer Love - 1
- DNV Services - 1
- International
- North East England
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Atkins - 1
- South East England
- South West England