| Major Projects Framework 2 | Preston | £4B |
| Major Projects Framework 2 | Preston | £3B |
| Healthcare Services by NHS and Other Public Bodies (Including Clinical Services) | Sheffield | £2B |
| Deep Tube Upgrade Programme | London | £1B |
| Water Networks -Developer Services and Infrastructure Programmes | Reading | £1B |
| Flexible Framework for Children’s Residential Care and Education Services - Including Short Breaks | Paisley | £950M |
| Decarbonisation Framework | Prescot | £750M |
| Recurrent 2022 — Adult Residential and Nursing Care Homes LTR Framework | Norwich | £600M |
| Decarbonisation Framework | Prescot | £500M |
| National Highways Operational Technology Commercial Framework | Guildford | £500M |
| LFD Self Test: Reg 32 | London | £430M |
| Integrator to Manage Property Related Services | Sidcup | £400M |
| SOL - Mell Square - Town Centre Redevelopment and Repurposing | Solihull | £300M |
| AHCSP/0005: Long Term Training and Support Service for Apache AH-64E Air Systems | Bristol | £286M |
| Police Aviation Services Including a Fleet Replacement Programme | Leeds | £277M |
| Water Treatment Chemical - Ferric Sulphate | Bradford | £250M |
| WSCC SB Supported Living Framework | Chichester | £248M |
| Adult Supported Living - Procured Service Arrangement (PSA) | Hamilton | £225M |
| National Highways Operational Technology Commercial Framework | Guildford | £220M |
| Lateral Flow Testing Devices for the Detection of COVID-19 Viral Antigens | London | £215M |
| LFD Self Test: Reg 32 | London | £215M |
| Marine Lake Events Centre, Southport - Operator Procurement | Bootle | £215M |
| Merchant Acquiring - Government Banking Services | Salford | £196M |
| Development Partner for Hemel Hempstead Station Gateway | London | £170M |
| Lateral Flow Testing Devices for the Detection of COVID-19 Viral Antigens | London | £169M |
| LFD Self Test: Reg 32 | London | £169M |
| Cardiac Cath Lab Managed Service | London | £160M |
| Fire Safety Framework | Surrey | £150M |
| Early Learning and Childcare - South Lanarkshire Council Procured Service Arrangement | Hamilton | £144M |
| Hand Hygiene and Associated Products and Services | London | £142M |
| Minor Building Works | Edinburgh | £103M |
| DoF - Digital NI - Contact Centre Services for Government | Belfast | £100M |
| Cleaning Services to the Metropolitan Police Service | London | £98M |
| Pre-Payment & Credit (Natural Gas) Metering Solution and Associated Services - Data Management & Electronic Cash… | Belfast | £83M |
| Army Full Dress Bespoke and Stock | Bristol | £75M |
| End User Devices, Accessories and Services | Belfast | £75M |
| Healthcare Waste [3202726] | Ballymena | £73M |
| Integrator to Manage Property Related Services | Sidcup | £70M |
| National Microbiology Framework Lot 4 Call-Off Order PerkinElmer Covid Testing | London | £66M |
| Residual Waste Haulage, Treatment and Disposal Services | Swindon | £60M |
| Resurfacing, Reconstruction, Patching, Recycling and High Friction Surfacing (HFS) Framework 2022 | Exeter | £60M |
| Resurfacing, Reconstruction, Patching, Recycling and High Friction Surfacing (HFS) Framework 2022 – | Exeter | £60M |
| Lateral Flow Testing Devices for the Detection of COVID-19 Viral Antigens | London | £60M |
| LFD Self Test: Reg 32 | London | £60M |
| Oxygen at Home Service | Edinburgh | £58M |
| Residual Waste Haulage, Treatment and Disposal Services | Swindon | £58M |
| Project CERBERUS - SACC/ | Bristol | £57M |
| Leisure Centre Operation | Kent | £50M |
| Mobile Harbour Cranes (MHC) and Material Handlers (MH) | Hull | £50M |
| Independent Specialist Placement (ISP) Framework for Children and Young People With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities… | Stoke on Trent | £48M |
| Develop and Construct - Appointment of Integrated Supply Team - Ballycastle Shared Education Campus - Ref… | Belfast | £45M |
| Roads and Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework | Edinburgh | £44M |
| Educational Services Procured Services Arrangement (PSA) | Hamilton | £42M |
| Pillar 2 Reflex Testing Due to Omicron | London | £42M |
| Childrens Buggies & Adult and Childrens Wheelchairs | Edinburgh | £42M |
| Project KARKINOS ADEWS/099 | Henlow | £42M |
| Utilities | Manchester | £40M |
| Fire Safety Framework | Surrey | £40M |
| Major Construction Framework for Hywel Dda University Health Board and Swansea Bay University Health Board | Port Talbot | £40M |
| Community Justice Learning | London | £39M |
| Scottish Water Sites Private Wire Projects | Glasgow | £37M |
| Adult Substance Mis-Use Recovery System | Doncaster | £34M |
| London Borough of Barnet Waste Transfer Station | Colindale London | £33M |
| Islington Council Term Service Highway Works | London | £32M |
| Maintenance of Vehicles - SEHSCT [4014477] | Ballymena | £32M |
| Teesworks Core Security | Stockton on Tees | £30M |
| Mail Handling and Print Fulfilment | London | £29M |
| Construction Dover White Cliff's IBF | Salford | £28M |
| Recyclates and General Waste Management | Edinburgh | £27M |
| Training in Wellbeing and Resilience Skills | Chester | £27M |
| CSI/ED/Alternative Learning Provision (ALP) Framework | Bristol | £23M |
| NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) South West - Gender Dysphoria Services in the South West… | Saltash | £21M |
| Solar Farm at Barkham Ride, Barkham | Wokingham | £21M |
| Wound Closure Products | Edinburgh | £21M |
| Azure Reselle Agreement | London | £20M |
| Towage Service at Portsmouth International Port | Hampshire | £20M |
| Towage Services - Portsmouth International Port | Portsmouth | £20M |
| Integrated Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Model (IDAS) - Procuring a Delivery Partner | Redcar | £19M |
| Periodic Servicing, Responsive Maintenance and Renewal of Gas Domestic Appliances | London | £19M |
| Plutonium Disposition Mox Services Framework Three Lots LOT 1 Mox Plant Design Services LOT 2 Mox… | Cumbria | £18M |
| Integrated Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Model (IDAS) - Procuring a Delivery Partner | Redcar | £17M |
| Major Permissions Client Technical Services | Didcot | £17M |
| Wound Management Products | Edinburgh | £16M |
| Cardiology Stents | Edinburgh | £16M |
| BGS Total Facilities Management | Swindon | £15M |
| Dressings | Edinburgh | £15M |
| Emergency and Out of Hours Work for Security and Safety Equipment | Worcester | £15M |
| HMRC Integration Platform Delivery and Support 2021-23 | London | £15M |
| New Assets, Repair, Planned Maintenance, Parts, and Hire of Compressors and Blowers | Bradford | £14M |
| Technical Third Party Support (TTPS) for the Net-Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP) | London | £14M |
| Management and Operation of the Community Recycling Centres | Milton Keynes | £14M |
| Responsive Maintenance and Void Property Works Plus Gas Heating Maintenance (Domestic and Communal) | Woking | £13M |
| LBS Mental Health Supported Housing and Outreach - Market Warming Invite | London | £13M |
| Plutonium Disposition Mox Services Three LOT Framework LOT 1 Mox Plant Design Services LOT 2 Mox… | Cumbria | £13M |
| Bodyshop Replacement and Repairs | Ipswich | £12M |
| Forensic Medical Services in Custody and SARC Centres | Cwmbran | £12M |
| NHS South Sefton CCG and NHS St Helens CCG – Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) Service… | Bootle | £11M |
| Publishing & Associated Services - Official Publisher of the UK Driving Standards Agency and the Official… | Bristol | £11M |
| Glatiramer Injection | Edinburgh | £11M |
| Complex Care Children's Home | Scunthorpe | £11M |