| Lower Thames Crossing Tunnels and Approaches | Bedford | £1B |
| Print and Digital Communications | Liverpool | £930M |
| Print & Digital Communications | Liverpool | £930M |
| Tender Round 11 (TR11) for the Grant of One Offshore Transmission Licence | London | £919M |
| National Roadside Telecommunications Service | Guildford | £650M |
| Insourcing of Clinical Support Services | Hertfordshire | £600M |
| Robotic Medical Equipment and Associated Accessories and Consumables | Leeds | £500M |
| Robotic Surgical Equipment and Associated Accessories and Consumables | London | £500M |
| Tyseley Energy Recovery Facility, Waste Transfer Stations and Household Waste Recycling Centres – Operate Maintain and… | Birmingham | £490M |
| Homecare in Somerset DPS | Taunton | £431M |
| Home Care Service, Leicester | Leicester | £390M |
| Facilities Services Framework | Alfreton | £250M |
| Network Rail North West & Central Region CP7 Frameworks: Framework Category D | London | £229M |
| Home Care | Pontypridd | £218M |
| FSA Delivered Official Controls in England and Wales Variation 23 | London | £207M |
| FSA Delivered Official Controls in England and Wales Variation 24 | London | £207M |
| Material Supply and Associated Services Framework | Prescot | £200M |
| Alexander Barracks Design and Build | Cambridgeshire | £186M |
| NHS National Framework for Transition Products Commencing 1 May | Leeds | £179M |
| Imsorts | Buckinghamshire | £179M |
| Interim Medium Speed Operational Readiness Training Services | Buckinghamshire | £179M |
| FSA Delivered Official Controls in England and Wales Variation 22 | London | £170M |
| Remanufacture, Repair and Maintenance of TN54 & TN15 Transmissions, Final Drives and Associated Assemblies | Telford | £137M |
| Home Care and Extra Care Services | Manchester | £136M |
| Digital Experience and Digital Enablement | London | £112M |
| ARMOUR Centre Support (ASC) | Warminster | £91M |
| ASC-Can-Cf | Warminster | £91M |
| Workwear and PPE | Gateshead | £73M |
| Framework - Start Well (Children’s) Supported Services - Round 1 | Oxford | £70M |
| NHS National Framework for Transition Products Commencing 1 May | Runcorn | £69M |
| North Northamptonshire Council Passenger Transport Services DPS | Corby | £69M |
| Major Adaptations | Sale | £60M |
| Waste Removal and Recycling Services | York | £60M |
| Maintenance Repair & Operations (MRO) Parts & Services | Worthing | £57M |
| Child Health Information Services | London | £54M |
| Child Health Information Service | London | £54M |
| Microbiology and Serology Testing Services | Bristol | £53M |
| Microbiology & Serology Services | Bristol | £53M |
| Fruit and Vegetables & Misc. Chilled Foods | Oldham | £52M |
| Core Surfacing 2024 | Carlisle | £50M |
| Facilities Services Framework | Alfreton | £50M |
| London Rough Sleepers Assessment and Rapid Move-on Service | London | £50M |
| Rail Engineering Technician Level 3 Tender (New Entrance Apprenticeship Tender - NEAT) | London | £46M |
| St Leonard's Catholic School - PCSA | Manchester | £46M |
| Generation 5 Technical Resources Framework 2024-2028 | Hampshire | £45M |
| Leakage Detection Services | Belfast | £45M |
| Trust Capital Programme 2024 -2027 - P23 CWAS2/ProCure23 FW Lot1.1 | Newcastle upon Tyne | £45M |
| Advertising, Design and Marketing Services for Tourism Northern Ireland Resource | Belfast | £42M |
| MWCC North - DfMA Twin Box Bridge Structure | Birmingham | £40M |
| Rotary Wing Command Support Air Transport Helicopter Service (RWCSAT) | Bristol | £40M |
| Rotary Wing Command Support Air Transport Helicopter Service (RWCSAT Notice | Bristol | £40M |
| Pharmacy Provision | Cambridgeshire | £39M |
| Nightingale Construction Project - Islington Framework | Hackney | £37M |
| Waseley Hills High School - Main Works (JCT D&B ) | Manchester | £35M |
| TC473 - Supply of Gas | Manchester | £32M |
| Airborne Equipment PDS Support With Equipment, Air Commodities and Spares | Bristol | £30M |
| Nursing Care Provision - Market Engagement | London | £28M |
| Contracted Works Mini-Competition | Wolverhampton | £28M |
| Provision of Soft FM | Reading | £27M |
| Demand Management & Renewables DPS - Technical Assistance Facility 2 | London | £27M |
| Kaftrio (All Strengths) | Belfast | £26M |
| New Prison Programme Professional Services Delivery Partner | London | £25M |
| Military Defence Services | High Wycombe | £24M |
| Nexus - Sustain Air Cloud Hosting Environment and Air Information Platform - PIN | High Wycombe | £24M |
| Wakefield and District Housing Limited - Residential Development of 120 No. Dwellings at Farm Lane, Kinsley,… | Sheffield | £24M |
| Copier Paper | Leicester | £22M |
| Print Marketplace 2 | Liverpool | £22M |
| All Saints Roman Catholic High School - Main Works (JCT D&B ) | Manchester | £21M |
| Salvation Army Housing Association - Responsive Repairs and Void Refurbishment Works Contracts | Bolton | £21M |
| Aseptic Isolators | Cambridge | £20M |
| Gas Heating Systems Maintenance Services | Coalville | £20M |
| Swaffham C and LD SEND School | Norwich | £20M |
| AWE Industrial, Medical and Special Gases and Associated Equipment and Services | Reading | £19M |
| Groceries and Provisions | Matlock | £19M |
| Exhibitions, Events, Promotions and Sampling at Managed Stations | London | £18M |
| Leisure & Active Wellbeing Services | Gloucester | £18M |
| Domestic Services | Poole | £17M |
| Retail and Elective Hub Development | Warwick | £17M |
| Endeavour Co-Operative Academy - Main Works (JCT D&B ) | Manchester | £17M |
| HS Prepaid Cards | Newcastle upon Tyne | £15M |
| National for All Age Continuing Care Services | Chester | £15M |
| Various Engineering Parts - Lot 1: Oils and Lubricants, Lot 2: Washers and Cleaners, Lot 3:… | York | £15M |
| Integrated Sexual Health Service | Grays | £14M |
| Catering Services for Chesterfield Royal Hospital | Chesterfield | £14M |
| Fully Inclusive Support of MOD General Purpose Automatic Test Equipment | Deeside | £14M |
| Primary Care Services (Including Substance Misuse) and Mental Health Services (Including Learning Disabilities and Autism) for… | Leeds | £14M |
| Mental Health Rehabilitation Services (Lot 1 - Preston) | Preston | £14M |
| Generic, Branded Generic & Proprietary Medicinal Products - Group 13 | Belfast | £14M |
| Women and Young People Services (Womens Pathfinder (Whole System Approach). 18-25 Early Intervention, Probation Commissioned Rehabilitative… | Cwmbran | £13M |
| Disabled Children’s Residential Home | Oxford | £12M |
| NHS England South East - Market Engagement #2 - Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes Across the South… | London | £12M |
| Intensive Support and Crisis Intervention Services for Children, Young People and Their Families | Durham | £12M |
| Royal Navy Website Development Support Service | Portsmouth | £12M |
| Score Centre | Walthamstow | £12M |
| Tender 47/2023 - Newry, Mourne & Down District Council Civil Engineering Minor Works Framework Agreement, 2024… | Newry | £12M |
| Community Based Out of School Provision | Truro | £12M |
| Acquisition of Pitlethie Road, Leuchars Phase 1 | Glenrothes | £11M |
| Primary Care Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) for Forest Surgery | Colchester | £11M |
| TSC for the Installation and Replacement of ASHP Central Heating Systems in Council Owned Housing | Beverley | £11M |
| Construction Professional Services (RIBA 0-2) | London | £10M |