| Market Engagement - Homecare Medicines Services | Fulbourn | £3B |
| Construction Professional Services | Liverpool | £2B |
| Capital Investment Works - 2026 To | London | £1B |
| Orthoses, Podiatry and Immobilisation | London | £714M |
| Acute Services | Ipswich | £654M |
| Langarth Garden Village District Heat Network Concession Agreement | Truro | £552M |
| Education Network for Northern Ireland — “Education Network (NI)” | Belfast | £546M |
| Orthoses, Podiatry and Immobilisation | London | £400M |
| Specialist Science and Contingency Services | London | £346M |
| New Hospital Programme – Programme Delivery Partner (PDP) | London | £307M |
| UK2 - Preliminary Market Engagement Notice - Biodiversity Unit and Carbon Credits | Guildford | £200M |
| Environmental Science Research, Development and Evidence (ES RDE) Framework | London | £192M |
| Education Network for Northern Ireland - "Education Network (NI) | Belfast | £175M |
| Imsorts | High Wycombe | £173M |
| Delivery Partner for Growing Brixton’s Rec Quarter – 49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent… | London | £162M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier Norfolk | London | £129M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier Hampshire | London | £128M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier Lincs | London | £123M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier Suffolk | London | £116M |
| Managed Services Framework | London | £115M |
| Integrated Urgent Care (IUC) in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough | Ely | £104M |
| Furniture and Related Services | Colchester | £100M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier North Yorkshire | London | £81M |
| Instrumented Live Training – Area Weapons Effect Simulation (ILT-A) | Bristol | £80M |
| Northamptonshire Children's Trust - Expression of Interest (EOI) - Strategic Partner to Innovate With NCT to… | Northampton | £75M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier Cambridgeshire | London | £73M |
| Diving Life Support (DLS) in-Service Support (ISS) | Bristol | £62M |
| GIS Programme - Regional Supplier West and Parts of North Yorkshire | London | £62M |
| SLC - Education Digital Futures - Education ICT Managed Service | Hamilton | £54M |
| Managed Service Provider for Temporary Staff | Huddersfield | £52M |
| Passenger Transport Services - Approved Provider List | Luton | £45M |
| Cytokine Modulators | Edinburgh | £44M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme - Regional Supplier South Yorkshire | London | £42M |
| RISE With SAP | London | £37M |
| Darlington Station Redevelopment (Deed of Variation) - Variation To | Darlington | £36M |
| Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (Temporary Staffing) | Derby | £35M |
| Procurement Cards | Glasgow | £31M |
| All-Age Drugs and Alcohol Service | Crewe | £28M |
| Periodic Electrical Wiring Inspections | Belfast | £27M |
| FCP: Rural Payments Service Continuity Project | London | £27M |
| Multi-Temperature Food | Norwich | £23M |
| Waste Vehicles | Lichfield | £23M |
| Building Fabric Maintenance and Small Works (Up to GBP 150k) MTC Framework Agreement | Edinburgh | £21M |
| Planned & Reactive Maintenance Framework (PRMF) (2025-29) | Glasgow | £20M |
| Advanced Wound Care and Lymphoedema Products and Services | Hampshire | £20M |
| Stockport Learning Disability Supported Living Tenancies | Sale | £19M |
| Mixed Food and Garden Waste Treatment | Chelmsford | £19M |
| Gigabit Infrastructure Subsidy Programme DPS Lot 32.02 Cornwall | London | £18M |
| Southern Construction Framework 5 Design & Construct - Forest Gate Police Station Reinstatement and Refurbishment Works… | London | £18M |
| Community-Based Elective Care Services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland | Leicester | £17M |
| Installation and Hire of Large Output Generators for Temporary Power Supplies | London | £16M |
| Market Engagement Event - National Security Science and Research (DfT) | London | £16M |
| Planned Preventative, Reactive, and Emergency Maintenance | London | £16M |
| Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) | London | £16M |
| Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) | London | £16M |
| NEYPPC Pharmacy - Unlicensed Imported Medicines | Hunslet | £15M |
| Community Musculoskeletal (MSK) Wolverhampton Service - NHS Black Country ICB | Wolverhampton | £15M |
| Passive Fire Safety Works | Southampton | £15M |
| Pre-MKT Engagement Warm Homes Suffolk Retrofit Framework | Ipswich | £15M |
| Public Cloud Services- AWS | Newcastle upon Tyne | £15M |
| Repairs, Voids and Planned Works for Unity Housing | Sheffield | £15M |
| DFAP/0024/122 | London | £15M |
| Bus Shelter & Free-Standing Unit Supply, Maintenance, and Advertising | Nottingham | £14M |
| Dynamic Pressure Area Care Products and Associated Services | Ballymena | £14M |
| Worthing Heat Network Connection - Works | Chichester | £14M |
| Patient Administration System and Electronic Patient System | London | £14M |
| Spares and Repairs Service | Guildford | £14M |
| Data Science and Data Directorate DevOps | London | £13M |
| Occupational Health (OH) Services for OH Physician Resource, OH Services for the OH Service and Specialist… | London | £13M |
| Digital Hardware | Liverpool | £12M |
| Specialised Critical Care Ambulance Transport - NECTAR | Newcastle upon Tyne | £12M |
| Direct Production Harvesting - Dynamic Purchasing System | Cardiff | £12M |
| Enfield Adult Substance Misuse Recovery Service | Enfield | £12M |
| Waste Vehicles | Lichfield | £12M |
| Housing Reactive Repairs Builder Work / Masonry | Aberdeen | £11M |
| Google Cloud Platform Services | Newport | £11M |
| Con_26040 - Data Testing Services | London | £10M |
| Children and Young Peoples Home and Community Support Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) | Peterborough | £10M |
| E-Books and Downloadable Audio Books for Libraries NI | Belfast | £10M |
| Ascent Homes - Bellingham - Groundworks | Ashington | £9M |
| Endometrial Ablation Devices and Uterine Tissue Removal Systems | Birmingham | £9M |
| Winter Light Trail Installation Event at Heaton Park | Manchester | £9M |
| Alternative Provider Medical Services (GP Services) - Castle Health Centre (Scarborough) | East Riding of Yorkshire | £9M |
| PSDS Wave 3 and Chiller Replacement | Bristol | £8M |
| Security and Concierge Services to Emergency and Temporary Accommodation Sites | Truro | £8M |
| Children's Therapy Service | Stockport | £8M |
| Dermatology Service | Wolverhampton | £8M |
| Fire Station Rebuild Programme (Whitefield) | Manchester | £7M |
| Depot Infrastructure Works | Bromley | £7M |
| Cyber Security Assurance Requirements | Cumbria | £7M |
| Urgent GP Clinic Services - Luton | Luton | £7M |
| York Integrated Community Frailty Service | East Riding of Yorkshire | £7M |
| Maintenance and Improvement of Public Rights of Way Framework 2025 | Exeter | £7M |
| Nursery Operator Services | Kirkwall | £6M |
| Leasehold Property Insurance (Excluding Broker Services) | Basildon | £6M |
| Broadacres Retrofit & Decarbonisation | North Yorkshire | £6M |
| Community Opportunities Framework (Re-Opening 02DEC24) | Redcar | £6M |
| Co-Production of a Pantomime | Nottingham | £6M |
| Workforce Deployment Systems for North West London NHS Trusts | London | £6M |
| Supported Living Block Contracts in Buckinghamshire | Aylesbury | £6M |