UK – Nhs Supply Chain Framework Contracts
Refine SearchFound 379 notices in past year.
March 2025
Guys & St Thomas NHS Trustguys & St Thomas NHS Trust Royal Brompton Hospital
- award: Intuitive Surgical£1.9M
NHS England
- award: 5 suppliers£17.1M
- award: 5 suppliers£1
- award: 5 suppliers£1
- award: 5 suppliers£1
NHS Supply Chain
- award: 63 suppliers£714M
- update
- update
- update
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- award: Insulet£3.4M
- award: Air Liquide£1.6M
- award: Ypsomed£393K
- award: Becton Dickinson£158K
- award: Advanced Therapeutics£144K
Supply Chain Coordination
- award: 62 suppliers£400M
- update
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- award: Medical Imaging System£97.5K
- award: Probo Medical£79.6K
- award: Mis Healthcare£43.3K
NHS National Services Scotland NSS
- award: 6 suppliers£99.6M
February 2025
NHS Supply Chain
- pin£1.9M
- pin£1.9M
- tender£1.1B
- tender£1.1B
- tender£543M
- tender£543M
- tender£543M
- tender£199M
- tender£199M
- tender£157M
- tender£157M
- tender£14.4M
- tender£14.4M
- tender£1.9M
- tender£1.9M
- award: 10 suppliers£120M
- award: 10 suppliers£120M
- award: Echosens£35M
Nottingham University Hospital
- award: Medacta£852K
- award: Summit Medical£277K
- award: Lima Orthopaedics£61.5K
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- award: Medacta£940K
Bristol & Weston NHS Purchasing Consortium
- award: XMA£500K
- award: Clinisys Solutions£190K
- award: HCL Technologies£100K
January 2025
NHS England
- tender£68.9M
- tender£20.1M
- award: 6 suppliers£9.9M
- award: 6 suppliers£1
NHS Supply Chain
- pin£324M
- pin£125M
- tender£543M
- tender£543M
- tender£237M
- tender£237M
- tender£137M
- tender£137M
- tender£137M
- tender£137M
- tender£111M
- award: 53 suppliers£127M
- award: 37 suppliers£44M
- update
- update
Nottingham University Hospitals Trust
- award: Johnson & Johnson Medical£1.3M
- award: Johnson & Johnson Medical£1.3M
- award: Vygon£281K
Supply Chain Coordination
- pin£324M
- tender£137M
- tender£111M
United Lincs Hospital Trust
- award: Intuitive Surgical£536K
- award: Draeger Medical£162K
NHS Supply Chain
- tender£354M
- tender£354M
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- award: 53 suppliers£55M
Places for People Group
- tender£40M
- tender£40M
NHS Supply Chain
- tender£700M
- tender
- update
Hyde Group
- award: 4 suppliers£300M
December 2024
Frimley Health NHS Trust
- award: Genmedme£6M
NHS Supply Chain
- pin£90M
- pin£35M
- pin£25M
- pin£10M
- pin
- tender£77M
- tender£77M
- award: 35 suppliers£33.7M
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination
- pin£111M
- pin£90M
- pin£10M
- award: 35 suppliers£8.6M
Torbay & South Devon NHS Trust
- award: Resmed£1.4M
- award: Stryker£265K
- award: Heraeus Medical£125K
NHS Supply Chain
- award: 47 suppliers£83.2M
- award: 50 suppliers£26.5M
NHS Supply Chain
- award: 60 suppliers£92M
NHS Supply Chain Operated by North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative Who are
- award: 60 suppliers£19.2M
UK Health Security Agency
- pin£5B
- pin£5B
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- award: Fujifilm Healthcare£182K
- award: Fujifilm Healthcare£182K
NHS Commercial Solutions
- tender£1B
NHS Supply Chain Coordination
- award: Raise the Bar£875K
- award: Cambridge Spark£136K
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