| M25 Design Build Finance and Operate | Guildford | £11B |
| Managing Recruitment and Resourcing | Wakefield | £5B |
| Procurement Assist Consortium - Procurement Pipeline 2023 / | Bolton | £2B |
| Clinical Digital Health Solutions (CDHS) Framework | London | £2B |
| NHS PiP - Non-Clinical Software Systems DPS | Sheffield | £2B |
| NHS PiP - Non-Clinical Systems | Sheffield | £2B |
| SEFirst Power, Gas and Water Supply Framework Sept | Maidstone | £2B |
| Sustainable Energy First Limited C/O Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust Power, Gas and Water Supply… | Maidstone | £2B |
| Multifunctional Devices (MFD's), Print and Digital Workflow Software Services and Managed Print Service Provision | Liverpool | £800M |
| Multifunctional Devices (MFDs), Print, Digital and Cloud Software Services | Liverpool | £800M |
| OPEN - Development and Funding Partner | London | £800M |
| Lambeth Temporary Resourcing | London | £547M |
| Lambeth Temporary Resourcing Services | London | £547M |
| Watford Community Housing - Herts, Beds and Bucks Development Framework | Watford | £527M |
| Watford Community Housing - Herts, Beds, Bucks Development Framework | Watford | £527M |
| Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | Gateshead | £500M |
| Insurance Services | West Malling | £500M |
| Specialist Professional and Technical Service 3 (SPaTS3) Framework | Guilford | £498M |
| Medicinal Products Distribution and Associated Services [5009879] | Belfast | £481M |
| Total Asset Maintenance (Kitchens, Bathrooms, Heating, Windows and Doors) | Bolton | £450M |
| Home Care Service, Leicester | Leicester | £392M |
| Visa and Citizenship Application Services - Lot 1 - Africa and Middle East | London | £316M |
| Heating Services | Coventry | £314M |
| Visa and Citizenship Application Services - Lot 2 - Americas, Eur, Can, Aus | London | £303M |
| Materials and Associated Delivery Services | Bolton | £300M |
| Flexible Procurement Agreement for the Adult Skills Framework | Newcastle | £280M |
| Specialist Education Framework Phase 1 - Independent Non-Maintained Special Schools Lots 1 and 2 | Nottinghamshire | £250M |
| Specialist Education Framework Phase 1 – Independent Non-Maintained Special Schools Lots 1 and 2 | Nottinghamshire | £250M |
| Flexible for Supported Living Services in Staffordshire | Stafford | £242M |
| Housing Capital Works & Asset Maintenance - Market Engagement | London | £225M |
| Vehicle Excise Duty Enforcement Services | Swansea | £218M |
| Kitchen Supply and Installation | Bolton | £200M |
| Facilities Management (FM) Services via a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) for a Period of Up to… | Brighton | £170M |
| Facilities Management Services | Brighton | £170M |
| Visa and Citizenship Application Services - Lot 5 - United Kingdom | London | £163M |
| Ballast Rehabilitation Establishment Programme Framework | Belfast | £150M |
| Bathrooms and Wetrooms Supply and Installation | Bolton | £150M |
| Repairs and Maintenance Services | Bolton | £150M |
| Visa and Citizenship Application Services - Lot 3 - China and Taiwan | London | £147M |
| Jupiter HC Mk2 & Aviation Support to British Armed Forces Brunei & Cyprus | Bristol | £140M |
| Network Equipment Framework Agreement | Bristol | £140M |
| Defra - Future End User Services Procurement | London | £132M |
| Assault Rifle in-Line Low Light Sight (ARILLS) 2 | Bristol | £120M |
| Fire Prevention and Safety Works | Bolton | £105M |
| Asbestos Abatement Services | Bolton | £100M |
| Barrister Services Framework | London | £100M |
| Damp Proofing, Mould Removal and Treatment, and Associated Works | Bolton | £100M |
| External Presentation and Grounds Maintenance Services | Bolton | £100M |
| Heating Installations | Bolton | £100M |
| Immersive, Simulation and Related Technologies Dynamic Purchasing System | London | £100M |
| Lift Installation Works | Bolton | £100M |
| Multifunctional Devices and Associated Digital Solutions Framework | London | £100M |
| NMWTRA Civil Engineering Construction Works Framework | Caernarfon | £100M |
| Roadside Advertising | London | £88M |
| Leisure Operator Partner - Rushmoor | Farnborough | £87M |
| Rushmoor Borough Council: Leisure Operator Partner | Farnborough | £87M |
| Maintenance of Lifts and Hoists | Bolton | £80M |
| Protective Physical Security Measures (PPSM) | London | £75M |
| National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme | Exeter | £69M |
| Radiology Informatics System Procurement ("RISP") | Cardiff | £56M |
| Wales Pension Partnership Private Markets - Real Estate | Carmarthen | £56M |
| Education Supplies, Stationery and Paper | Sidcup | £50M |
| Fire Safety Consultancy Services | Bolton | £50M |
| Fire System Monitoring Services | Bolton | £50M |
| DoF 5055724 - Pan Government Small Works Framework | Belfast | £48M |
| NSSCOVID-19 -003 - 011 -Type II R Face Masks | Edinburgh | £47M |
| Extension Relating to the Fast-Track Mental Health Social Work Graduate Programme | London | £46M |
| Domiciliary Care Services Dynamic Purchasing System | Portsmouth | £46M |
| Domiciliary Care Services (Category 1), October 2022 - September | Huddersfield | £45M |
| Domiciliary Care | Huddersfield | £45M |
| Enfield Chase Landscaping Project | Enfield | £40M |
| St. Peter's Collegiate Academy - Main Works (JCT D&B ) | Manchester | £39M |
| A457 Dudley Road Improvement Scheme Update | Birmingham | £37M |
| Salary Sacrifice Cost Framework for Additional Voluntary Contributions (SSAVCs) | Portsmouth | £36M |
| WCC - Facilities Management Services | London | £35M |
| Parking Enforcement Services | London | £33M |
| Parking Enforcement Services, Vehicle Relocation, Removal, Pound and Payment Centre Management Services | Wandsworth | £33M |
| Security Support Services Lots 1-3 | Belfast | £33M |
| Clinical Therapeutic Apheresis and Extracorporeal Photopheresis Systems | Bristol | £32M |
| Unmetered Electricity 2024-2026 (ID | Belfast | £32M |
| Electronic Market Place for 16+ Supported Accommodation Service | Huddersfield | £30M |
| Housing Management Service | Bromley | £30M |
| Network Services | London | £30M |
| Office Stationery and Associated Supplies and Services | London | £30M |
| Office Supplies IV | Wakefield | £30M |
| Repairs & Maintenance Framework | Newtown St Boswells | £30M |
| Services for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls | Nottingham | £30M |
| Showfields Estate Ref. No. 2016/P/01 | Tunbridge Wells | £30M |
| Showfields Regeneration Project | Tunbridge Wells | £30M |
| WCC - Facilities Management Services | London | £30M |
| Homecare Delivery Service for NHS Commissioned Services | Edinburgh | £28M |
| Maintenance and Improvement – Lisburn and Castlereagh Area | Belfast | £28M |
| Cleaning Solutions | Salford | £25M |
| Places for People Disabled Adaptations | Fitted Kitchens | £25M |
| Quality Funded Early Learning & Childcare (1140 Hours) | Dundee | £25M |
| Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Hardware and Software | London | £24M |
| COV - Adults Short Term Home Support | Coventry | £24M |
| Grant Fund Manager Dynamic Purchasing System | Glasgow | £23M |
| Arcelormittal Orbit (AMO) Lease- Operate and Maintain | Uk London | £22M |
| East Belfast | Belfast | £20M |