Mapping and Modelling Framework
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year
- Value
- £70M
- Sector
- Published
- 10 Jun 2024
- Delivery
- 30 Apr 2024 to 29 Apr 2028
- Deadline
- 13 Nov 2023 10:00

1 buyer
6 suppliers
- Mott Macdonald Croydon
- Jeremy Benn Associates Skipton
- AECOM London
- Jacobs London
- WSP Redhill
- Atkins Epsom
The Environment Agency (EA) has successfully awarded a Mapping and Modelling Framework to provide the scope of services required to develop and maintain data and evidence, enabling informed investment decisions at a range of spatial scales. The Framework is a single National Lot Model with six Delivery Partners appointed. It will provide the following services: - Modelling, - Survey & Mapping - Incident Management & Emergency Planning - Hydrological Services - Data Entry & Data Management Support - Professional Services - Other Services The Framework will run for an initial three-year term (36 months), with one optional one-year (12 month) extension (totalling four years or 48 months). This Framework Agreement can be used by the Environment Agency and Others. Others is defined as: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and to its associated bodies including any Agencies and non-departmental public bodies and others (the Defra Group). A full list of the Defra Group can be found at: Department, agencies and public bodies - GOV.UK ( Local Authorities in England. Details may be found at A-Z of councils online | Local Government Association. Details can be found here: Internal Drainage Boards in England. A full list can be found here: Central Government departments, executive agencies, and other non-departmental public bodies. Full lists can be found here: This Notice is to alert the market of the award of the procurement activity.
Award Detail
1 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
2 | Jeremy Benn Associates (Skipton)
3 | AECOM (London)
4 | Jacobs (London)
5 | WSP (Redhill)
6 | Atkins (Epsom)
CPV Codes
- 71335000 - Engineering studies
- 71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
- 71320000 - Engineering design services
- 71318000 - Advisory and consultative engineering services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 71300000 - Engineering services
- 72242000 - Design-modelling services
- 71354100 - Digital mapping services
- 71356000 - Technical services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
Other Information
For further details, please use the link to the Find a Tender Service Contract Award Notice - MMF Deed - 3_Redacted MMF Deed - 3_Redacted.pdf MMF Deed - 6_Redacted MMF Deed - 6_Redacted.pdf MMF Deed - 5_Redacted MMF Deed - 5_Redacted.pdf MMF Deed - 1_Redacted MMF Deed - 1_Redacted.pdf MMF Deed - 4_Redacted MMF Deed - 4_Redacted.pdf MMF Deed - 2_Redacted MMF Deed - 2_Redacted.pdf
- CF-0303100D8d000003VQwdEAG
- CF 640676ce-526a-410b-84db-a2f6c87402eb