Contract Locations: UK – Turbine Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 67 buyers and 101 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 61 buyer locations and 100 supplier locations.) 

Top 59 buyers
- Scotland
- South West England
- Plymouth University - 5
- MOD - 2
- Desnz - 2
- Penzance Dry Dock 2009 - 2
- Buoyant Works - 2
- Bristol City Council - 1
- Plymouth City Council - 1
- Leidos Supply - 1
- Exeter University - 1
- London
- Wales
- West Midlands
- South East England
- SSE Services - 3
- Thames Water Utilities - 1
- Portsmouth E Tendering University - 1
- Abri Group - 1
- MITIE FM - 1
- Ukaea - 1
- North West England
- Northern Ireland
- East of England
- International
- Gni - 1
- Gas Networks Ireland - 1
- Gasnetworks Ireland - 1
- North East England
- Gentoo Group - 2
- Tyne Coast College - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber
- York University - 1
- Yorkshire Water Services - 1
- NEUPC - 1
- East Midlands
Top 99 suppliers
- North West England
- Corenergy - 2
- Seddon Construction - 1
- Pellings - 1
- A Connolly - 1
- Sustainable Building Services - 1
- See Contracts Finder Notice for Full Supplier List - 1
- Integrated Decommissioning Solutions - 1
- Parcor - 1
- Constructive Thinking Studio - 1
- Frank Rogers Building Contractor - 1
- Green Grant Installs - 1
- Next Energy - 1
- Plug ME in - 1
- Warm Front - 1
- London
- WSP - 1
- Baily Garner - 1
- Axis Europe - 1
- Calfordseaden - 1
- Keegans - 1
- Mulalley - 1
- POTTER Raper - 1
- Edf Energy Customers - 1
- Frankham Consultancy Group - 1
- Morgan Sindall Property Services - 1
- Martin Arnold - 1
- Energy Specifics - 1
- Brook Green Supply - 1
- Sysmax - 1
- West Midlands
- Novus Property Solutions - 1
- Dodd Group Midlands - 1
- Water Plus - 1
- Broad Oak Properties - 1
- Ark Consultancy - 1
- Evolve Home Energy Solutions - 1
- Aico - 1
- Acivico Group - 1
- Eon Energy Installation Services - 1
- Laker BMS - 1
- Wintech - 1
- South East England
- Scotland
- North East England
- PX Limited - 2
- PHS Home Solutions - 1
- Equans - 1
- Shinevision - 1
- Sustainability Energy Innovation - 1
- Wind Training Solutions - 1
- South West England
- Ian Williams - 1
- Low Carbon Exchange - 1
- Parity Projects - 1
- Ecosafe Heating - 1
- Ecotricity Group - 1
- Happy Energy Solutions - 1
- Livgreen Futures - 1
- Wales
- Northern Ireland
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Michael Dyson Associates - 1
- Cocuun - 1
- Emsc - 1
- Synergize - 1
- Westdale Midlands - 1
- International
- East of England
- TSG Building Services - 1
- Rapleys - 1
- Fortem Solutions - 1
- East Midlands