| T/SP049/22 & T/SP050/22 STEP Engineering and Construction Partners PIN 2 | Abingdon | £20B |
| COV - Strategic Energy Partner | Coventry | £2B |
| Parkway Towers, Parkway Heights and Parkway Grange, Decarbonisation Works | Leeds | £996M |
| Temporary Workers & Supply Teachers | Caerphilly | £800M |
| Yorcivil3 Contractors Framework Agreement | Beverley | £800M |
| NHS for Branded Medicines - National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals - 1 May | Leeds | £720M |
| N/A | London | £612M |
| Older Persons Residential Care, Nursing Care and Respite Care Services | Maidstone | £600M |
| Food Deal 2 | Wakefield | £500M |
| Housing Maintenance & Repair | Liverpool | £500M |
| Strategic Partnership Contractor Framework | Middlesbrough | £500M |
| YORcivil3 North and East Area Contractors Framework Agreement | Beverley | £445M |
| Cornerstone | Bristol | £400M |
| DHSC International Freight and Logistics Solutions | London | £382M |
| Recyclables and Waste Collection Services | Hereford | £366M |
| NHS for Branded Medicines - National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals - 1 May | Runcorn | £360M |
| YORcivil3 South and West Area Contractors Framework Agreement | Sheffield | £355M |
| DHSC Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre | London | £303M |
| DHSC Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre | London | £303M |
| Audio Visual Solutions & Integrated Operating Theatres 2 NHS SBS | Hemel Hempstead | £250M |
| Temporary and Permanent (TAP) Recruitment Services | Reading | £250M |
| Engagement of an Online Programme Management (OPM) Partnership With Additional Call-Off | Coventry | £200M |
| Orkney Harbours Masterplan Phase 1 - Scapa Deep Water Quay (SDWQ) | Kirkwall | £200M |
| Planned Maintenance and Property Reinvestment Works | Birmingham | £180M |
| CF Paper 2023 | London | £167M |
| Building Safety Improvement Works - Contractor Framework - External Wall System Remediation | London | £160M |
| Document Management Solutions | Leicester | £160M |
| Asset Improvement and Sustainability Framework | Ashwellthorpe | £156M |
| NTCA Flexible Procurement Agreement for Post 16 Skills Framework | Newcastle | £132M |
| Winter Surge Capacity (21/22) | London | £127M |
| Simulation Devices and Services | London | £120M |
| Global Enterprise Networks Programme | London | £118M |
| Apprenticeship Dynamic Purchasing System (ADPS) | Leicester | £100M |
| DAERA AFBI Commercialisation of AFBI-bred Forage Grass Varieties | Belfast | £100M |
| Intermediate Construction Framework (ICF - 3) | Winchester | £100M |
| Legal Services | Wakefield | £100M |
| Natural Gas | Chester | £100M |
| ASH in-Service Support | Bristol | £92M |
| Electronic Patient Records System | Sheffield | £85M |
| Mains Gas to University of Manchester | Manchester | £80M |
| Fleet Management Services | Manchester | £77M |
| NHS National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals - Eculizumab Biosimilar | Runcorn | £74M |
| Incommunities - Whole House Installation | Sheffield | £70M |
| Incommunities – Whole House Installation | Sheffield | £70M |
| Asset Protection Framework | London | £68M |
| Parking Enforcement | Manchester | £65M |
| Qualified Ammunition, Gun Simulators and Associated Support for T31 Naval Guns | Bristol | £65M |
| NHS National Proprietary Pharmaceuticals - Low Molecular Weight Heparins | Runcorn | £61M |
| Bromford Construction Works & Services DPS | Wolverhampton | £60M |
| End User Compute Services | London | £58M |
| Apprenticeship Training Provision | Seascale | £50M |
| River Academy - Main Works | Manchester | £45M |
| Fitting the Future | Leeds | £42M |
| Redevelopment of Elizabeth Harbour – Marine Works | St Peter | £40M |
| Redevelopment of Elizabeth Harbour, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands - Marine Works | St Peter | £40M |
| Adult Integrated Substance Misuse Treatment Service (Drug and Alcohol) | Matlock | £36M |
| Privacy Enhancing Technology | Leeds | £35M |
| HS2 Green Asset Management, Maintenance & Monitoring | Birmingham | £33M |
| Lubricating Oils, Greases & Antifreeze | Leicester | £30M |
| Minor Construction Work and Building Services | Norwich | £30M |
| Mobile Voice and Data Services | Glasgow | £30M |
| What Works Hub for Global Education | East Kilbride | £30M |
| PMS Commissioning Intentions | London | £30M |
| Recruitment Services - Temporary Labour & Pre-Employment Screening (PES) | Coventry | £29M |
| Abbott ID NOW Test Kits | London | £28M |
| NHS Education the Rotherham NHS FT | Leeds | £27M |
| Cottam Parkway - Railway Structure | Preston | £25M |
| Fife Council Insurance Agreements | Glenrothes | £25M |
| IT Hardware Refresh | Winchester | £25M |
| Market Engagement Event for Integrated MSK Services for South and West Hertfordshire | Welwyn Garden City | £25M |
| Education Materials | Paisley | £24M |
| NHSE/I Microsoft LSP & CSP Partner | Leeds | £24M |
| Multi-Temperature Food | Norwich | £24M |
| Library Books and Textbooks | Paisley | £22M |
| Framework for Court Reporting & Transcription (CRT) Services | London | £22M |
| Field Electrical Power Supplies - Support (FEPS-S) | Bristol | £20M |
| Major Works for Roof, Windows, and Doors | Colindale | £20M |
| Ref: 09/08 - EV Charging Infrastructure & Solar Carports | Sutton Coldfield | £20M |
| Supplementary Substance Misuse Services | Oxford | £20M |
| Multi-Temperature Food | Norwich | £18M |
| Spares, Consumables and Accessories for the Land Rover Wolf | Telford | £18M |
| Spares, Consumables and Accessories for the Land Rover Wolf Platform | Telford | £18M |
| Court Reporting and Transcription (CRT) Services | London | £18M |
| Responsive Repair and Maintenance - Communal Repairs Chargeable Contracts (North & South) | London | £17M |
| Responsive Repair and Maintenance – Communal Repairs Chargeable Contracts (North & South) | London | £17M |
| Shawfair Energy Centre & District Heating Network | Edinburgh | £17M |
| Carlton & Granville - Contractor (REG-2021-017) | Wembley | £16M |
| Birmingham '3 Cities' Whole House Retrofit Pilot | Birmingham | £16M |
| Professional Development Programme - Phase 3 | London | £16M |
| Health and Social Care Apps DPS | London | £15M |
| Insurance Tender | Hackney | £15M |
| Public Contact Improvement Programme (PCIP) - Force Control Room Technology Solutions | Ripley | £15M |
| Planning, Major Permissions, Environmental, Land and Public Law Pre Market Engag | Didcot | £15M |
| Planning, Major Permissions, Environmental, Land and Public Law Services | Didcot | £15M |
| Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, Games Family, Spectator and Workforce, and Police Transport | Birmingham | £15M |
| Hawaii Offshore Drilling Project | Swindon | £14M |
| High Speed 2 Project Representative | London | £14M |
| CRM & Billing System | Havant | £14M |
| Concessions at Various Visitor Sites | Inverness | £14M |
| NHS Education University of Brighton | Leeds | £13M |