NOE CPC Consultancy and Associated Services
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Framework (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- £20M
- Sector
- Published
- 13 Oct 2023
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a
United Kingdom and any of the crown dependencies (including but notlimited to, the Isle of Man)

2 buyers
84 suppliers
- WSP London
- Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy London
- Cbre London
- Mott Macdonald Croydon
- Deloitte LLP Primary London
- Ove Arup & Partners London
- Cushman & Wakefield London
- Savills London
- SLC Property Birmingham
- RSK Environment Glasgow
- Aspin Ashton under Lyne
- Mabbett & Associates Inverness
- Nifes Property Leicester
- Ridge & Partners Woodstock
- Pick Everard Leicester
- Tersus Consultancy London
- Delta Simons Environmental Consultants Lincoln
- Hydrop Ecs Sutton Coldfield
- Rider Levett Bucknall Birmingham
- Ahr Architects Manchester
- Ryder Architecture Newcastle upon Tyne
- Self Architects Sheffield
- Tad Architects Sheffield
- Race Cottam Associates Sheffield
- Strategic Healthcare Planning Telford
- Stride Treglown Bristol
- One Creative Environments Worcester
- Afl Architects Manchester
- James Totty Partnership Sheffield
- Frank Shaw Associates Chesterfield
- Services Design Associates Sheffield
- Wilde Consultants Cheshire
- DRLC Sheffield
- Hydrock Consultants Bristol
- Eastwood & Partners Consulting Rngineers Sheffield
- Community Ventures Management Leeds
- Pennington Choices Norcott Brook
- Franks Portlock Sunderland
- Kordus Consulting Mansfield
- Socotec Asbestos Burton upon Trent
- Lucion Services Gateshead
- Thames Laboratories Fenstanton
- Airborne Environmental Consultants Manchester
- Inspectas Compliance Leeds
- Asbestos Survey & Management Hessle
- Unnamed None
- Ahr Building Consultancy Manchester
- Aa Projects Manchester
- Oakleaf Surveying Northampton
- Artelia Projects London
- in Form Solutions Sutton Coldfield
- Sortified CIC Bourne
- Gardiner & Theobald London
- Turner & Townsend Leeds
- Driver Project Services Rossendale
- Currie & Brown London
- Ward Williams Associates Truro
- Provelio Eastleigh
- Gennorth Leeds
- Grant Thornton London
- Akeso London
- North of England CSU Necs Durham
- Baringa London
- Ernst & Young London
- NHS Shared Business Services Hemel Hempstead
- CRS Vat London
- Qe Facilities Gateshead
- Colbeck Brighton Financial Services Wigan
- Attain Health Management Services Gerrards Cross
- Private Public London
- Business Reform Chester
- Tasman Group London
- Elcom Systems London
- GHX Milton
- Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting London
- BFBS Chalfont St Peter
- Counter Context Bradford
- Capgemini Woking
- Project Rome Leeds
- Gep Environmental Winchester
- Pettit Singleton Associates Preston
- Pulse Healthcare Broxbourne
- Niche Health & Social Care Consulting Manchester
- PSC A Trading Name of 2020 Delivery London
A) Property & Estates ConsultancyB) Programme and Project Management ConsultancyC) Financial, Commercial & Related ConsultancyD) Environmental, Sustainability & Social Value ConsultancyE) Health and Social Care Consultancy
Lot Division
1 | Lot A1 - Planning and Valuation Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Site appraisals Local planpromotion/monitoring Planning applications Planning appeals Adviceon Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) EnvironmentalImpact Assessments Viability advice Pre-application advice Propertyvaluations Land valuations Planning legislation Planningtaxes and levies Spatial/Urban planning Specialist planning Agriculturaland retail planning Local economic assessments Thebelow-listed Authorities (plus those entities listed at Section II.2.11and Section VI.3) are eligible to access the resulting framework –subject to NOE CPC approval. Barnsley Facilities ServicesLimited BARNSLEY HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST BRADFORDTEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CALDERDALE ANDHUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Calderdale and HuddersfieldSolutions Limited CALDERDALE AND HUDDERSFIELD NHS FOUNDATION TRUST CHESTERFIELDROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST DERBYSHIRE COMMUNITY HEALTHSERVICES NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Derbyshire Support and FacilitiesServices Limited CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST DONCASTERAND BASSETLAW TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST HARROGATEAND DISTRICT NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Harrogate Healthcare FacilitiesManagement Ltd (T/A Harrogate Integrated Facilities LTD) HUMBERTEACHING NHS FOUNDATION TRUST LEEDS AND YORK PARTNERSHIP NHSFOUNDATION TRUST LEEDS COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST LEEDSTEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST LINCOLNSHIRECOMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES NHS TRUST LINCOLNSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHSFOUNDATION TRUST LOCALA COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS CIC MANX CARE MIDYORKSHIRE HOSPITALS NHS TRUST NORTHERN LINCOLNSHIRE AND GOOLE NHSFOUNDATION TRUST SHEFFIELD CHILDREN'S NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SHEFFIELDHEALTH & SOCIAL CARE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SHEFFIELD TEACHINGHOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST SHERWOOD FOREST HOSPITALS NHSFOUNDATION TRUST THE NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATIONTRUST THE ROTHERHAM NHS FOUNDATION TRUST UNITED LINCOLNSHIREHOSPITALS NHS TRUST UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF DERBY AND BURTON NHSFOUNDATION TRUST UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEICESTER NHS TRUST YORKAND SCARBOROUGH TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST YorkTeaching Hospital Facilities Management YORK AND SCARBOROUGHTEACHING HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST YORKSHIRE AMBULANCESERVICE NHS TRUST A full list of current NHS PiP members isavailable at all times on the below websites; NOE CPC member bodies as listedat: and any additionalnew NOE CPC members including wholly owned companies and subsidiaries,may utilise this framework agreement during the contract term. SeeSection II.2.11 and VI.3 for list of entities eligible to utilise anyresulting framework, subject to the approval of NOE CPC. Award Criteria
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2 | Lot A2 - Waste and Recycling Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limit: Waste transfer notes Quarterly returns Permitcompliance reporting Permit/planning condition discharge Wastecarrier’s registrations Waste exemption registrations AnimalBy-Products registrations Risk assessments Publiclyavailable specifications Auditing services Alternative wastetreatment Business cases Campaigns Carbon assessments Commercialwaste Domestic waste Legislation Management investmentprogrammes New waste sites Options appraisals Policiesand strategies Service reviews Award Criteria
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3 | Lot A3 - Health and Safety Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limit: Creating policies Support contracts Riskassessments and control measures Manuals Trail accident statistics Assurancereports and model documentation COSHH and REACH Fireregulations H&S legislation H&S policies and management Inspectionsand audits Notices and corrective action plans Safe workingprocedures Award Criteria
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4 | Lot A4 - Architecture and Design Services Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Feasibility studies and option appraisals Businesscases, Brief development & room data sheets Space planning Concept,detail design & working drawings Planning applications Buildingregulations applications Tender processes and documentation Siteinspections and contract administration 3D Visualisation Buildinginformation modelling Modern method of construction Award Criteria
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5 | Lot A5 - Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Civil Engineering Structural Engineering MechanicalEngineering Electrical Engineering Geo-environmentalEngineering Geotechnical Engineering Water Engineering InfrastructureDesign Authorising Engineers and Regulatory Commissioning (AE) DesignDigital Hospital Award Criteria
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6 | Lot A6: - Facilities Management Consultancy Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: The creation of a new Target Operating Model (TOM) TeamSkills Review Develop and present benchmark report Hard FMconsultancy Soft FM consultancy Outsourcing of FM services Premises,portering, caretaking, site management and cleaning Propertysecurity Reorganisation of FM services Award Criteria
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7 | Lot A7 - Asbestos Management Services Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: To include but not limited to: SupportingDuty Holders in managing asbestos and guide them through theidentification, assessment and control process Writing removalspecifications with a clear project brief to ensure client requirementsare at the forefront, ensuring project scopes and schedules areunderstood and considered prior to the design of asbestos encapsulationor asbestos removal works. Acting as project manager and/orPrincipal Designer for your asbestos removal works including tenderingprojects, vetting contractors and suppliers and overseeing delivery. ReviewingLicensed Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC) Risk assessments and plansof work, ensuring your project requirements are met Assessexisting training requirements, taking into consideration estates teams,maintenance teams, CDM duty holders and facilities teams and anyone whomay come into contact with asbestos-containing materials. Providingrecommendations for further project progression Providing riskaverse or most economically advantageous solutions to potential orpresent issues. Award Criteria
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8 | Lot A8 - Food and Catering Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Commercial feasibility and technical reviews Equipmentand facilities Food and drink menus Food hygiene Healthyeating programmes Legislation compliance NHS Food Standards Nutrition Options appraisals Award Criteria
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9 | Lot A9 -Asset Management and Delivery Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Acquisitions/sales/disposal Remodelling Evaluationsand reviews Liability Maintenance Management anddelivery Mapping Rationalisation/Workplace Management Award Criteria
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10 | Lot A10 - Facet Surveys Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limit: Facet survey (NHS): Physical condition survey(Fabric and M&E), Statutory compliance audit (Inc. Fire), Spaceutilisation audit, Functional suitability review, Quality,Environmental management audit and any new/amended facets added infuture. Conditions Surveys Award Criteria
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11 | Lot B1 - Programme and Programme Management Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Programme strategy Programme/projectcontrols Project and portfolio management Planning andprogramming Project management construction Operationalreadiness Logistics management Award Criteria
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12 | Lot C1 - Transactions and Corporate Finance Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Actuary, investments and pensions Divestmentsand carve-outs Merger and Acquisition advisory Merger andAcquisition integration Merger and Acquisition technology andtools Merger and Acquisition advanced analytics Financialanalysis and reporting Financial Modelling, including review Capitalallocation, Financial options Financial reviews, evaluationsand feasibility studies Financial policies and strategies Financialprocedures and processes Funding applications and grants, Valuecreation, preservation and recovery Award Criteria
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13 | Lot C2 - Tax and VAT Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Tax planning Tax function operations Taxpolicy and controversy Global trade Tax compliance Transactiontax Compliance and advisory Corporation tax Efficiencyschemes Employment tax Land tax NICs PAYE Policydevelopment Stamp duty Tax accounting services Taxplanning Tax technologies VAT Award Criteria
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14 | Lot C3 - Procurement and Commissioning Support Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Procurement transformation Cost optimisation Bidwriting Digital procurement & advanced analytics Sustainableprocurement Risk and supplier management Working capitaloptimisation Training & building skills Category management Contractmanagement Corporate social responsibility E-sourcing Efficienciesand savings European and global sourcing Process mapping andoptimisation Procurement strategy development and implementation Socialvalue Supplier integration Supplier relationship management Supplychain resilience Commissioning cycle, such as: Serviceplanning, Undertaking health-needs assessment for a population, Clinicallybased design of patient pathways, Development of servicespecifications, Contract negotiation and/or procurement, Continuousquality assessment and contract/performance monitoring Award Criteria
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15 | Lot C4 -Marketing, Communications and Public Relations Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Communication and Marketing Strategy Capacitybuilding Crisis communications Branding Leadershipprofiling Media relations Event management Contentmarketing Social marketing Digital branding Creativecommunications Communication and marketing materials Socialmedia Targeting strategies Website design Award Criteria
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16 | Lot D1 - Community Engagement Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Public consultation /soft market testing Communityliaison and engagement Community strategy development Academicresearch Feedback facilitation Demand management Award Criteria
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17 | Lot D2 - Environmental and Sustainability rovide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Carbon capture utilisation and storage Climatechange Electricity storage Energy poverty Gas hydrates Hydrogen Hydrogen-based energy conversion Natural gas Negativeemission technologies Smart grids Solar photovoltaic Waterand energy Wind power Biomass to energy sustainabilityconsultancy services Energy & sustainability statements Low& Zero Carbon feasibility studies Embodied Carbon BREEAM Daylight,sunlight & overshadowing analysis Overheating risk analysis CarbonFoot printing and reduction Sustainability and environment, socialand governance services Assessments and appraisals Alternativeenergy Archaeology studies Biodiversity Floodalleviation and drainage Green technologies Heat networks Landscapemanagement Mapping Modelling Pollution Resourceefficiency behaviour change programmes Reducing Waste Transportand medical waste Award Criteria
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18 | Lot D3 - Energy Efficiency Provide contracting authorities with consultancy services to include butnot limited to: Energy consultancy services Standardassessment procedure calculations Simplified building energymodelling calculations Commercial EPC’s Building log gooks Valueengineering Dynamic simulation modelling Condensation riskanalysis Minimum energy efficiency standards assessments Thermalbridging analysis U-Value calculations Part G watercalculation Energy studies Display Energy Certificates (DEC) ScottishEPC’s and DECs Energy Saving opportunity scheme (ES) StreamlinedEnergy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) Award Criteria
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19 | Lot E1 - Healthcare Services - Planning, Design and Service Improvements Provide consultancy services to all healthcare sectors, including primarycare (GP and community), secondary care (acute hospitals, mental health& learning disability) and tertiary care (specialist centres): Healthcaredesign Equipment and technology Integrated care design Datamodelling and analysis Digital Healthcare Serviceimprovement Operational transformation Healthcare systemintegration Award Criteria
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20 | Lot E2 - Public Health Provide consultancy services to all healthcare sectors, including primarycare (GP and community), secondary care (acute hospitals, mental health& learning disability) and tertiary care (specialist centres): Evidencereviews Evaluations Health intelligence Health screening Populationhealth management Commissioning support and policy development Servicepathway review Needs assessment Clinical services review and audit Individualfunding review support Behavioural science Biostatistics Developingand implementing of public health schemes Environmental health Epidemiology Health education Health services administration Pandemicplanning and contingency Award Criteria
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21 | Lot E3 - Social Care Provide consultancy services to all healthcare sectors, including primarycare (GP and community), secondary care (acute hospitals, mental health& learning disability) and tertiary care (specialist centres): Performancemanagement and quality assurance including case file audits Commissioningand procurement including integrated commissioning for Health and socialcare Workforce development Service reviews- including mockinspections Project management Performance and practiceimprovement including improvement partner for children's social care Serviceredesign - including children's safeguarding, local authoritysafeguarding children board, looked after children, adult intermediatecare, direct payments, and integration of services Strategicdevelopment including CAF, early intervention strategy and developingthe third sector market. Award Criteria
Award Detail
1 | WSP (London)
2 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
3 | Cbre (London)
4 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
5 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
6 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
7 | Cushman & Wakefield (London)
8 | Savills (London)
9 | SLC Property (Birmingham)
10 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
11 | Aspin (Ashton under Lyne)
12 | WSP (London)
13 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
14 | Mabbett & Associates (Inverness)
15 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
16 | WSP (London)
17 | Cbre (London)
18 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
19 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
20 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
21 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
22 | Tersus Consultancy (London)
23 | Delta Simons Environmental Consultants (Lincoln)
24 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
25 | Hydrop Ecs (Sutton Coldfield)
26 | Rider Levett Bucknall (Birmingham)
27 | Ahr Architects (Manchester)
28 | WSP (London)
29 | Rider Levett Bucknall (Birmingham)
30 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
31 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
32 | Ryder Architecture (Newcastle upon Tyne)
33 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
34 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
35 | Self Architects (Sheffield)
36 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
37 | Tad Architects (Sheffield)
38 | Race Cottam Associates (Sheffield)
39 | Strategic Healthcare Planning (Telford)
40 | Stride Treglown (Bristol)
41 | Savills (London)
42 | One Creative Environments (Worcester)
43 | Afl Architects (Manchester)
44 | James Totty Partnership (Sheffield)
45 | Frank Shaw Associates (Chesterfield)
46 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
47 | Services Design Associates (Sheffield)
48 | WSP (London)
49 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
50 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
51 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
52 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
53 | Wilde Consultants (Cheshire)
54 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
55 | Tad Architects (Sheffield)
56 | DRLC (Sheffield)
57 | One Creative Environments (Worcester)
58 | Hydrock Consultants (Bristol)
59 | Eastwood & Partners Consulting Rngineers (Sheffield)
60 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
61 | Hydrop Ecs (Sutton Coldfield)
62 | Cbre (London)
63 | WSP (London)
64 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
65 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
66 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
67 | DRLC (Sheffield)
68 | Savills (London)
69 | Community Ventures Management (Leeds)
70 | Hydrop Ecs (Sutton Coldfield)
71 | Pennington Choices (Norcott Brook)
72 | Franks Portlock (Sunderland)
73 | Kordus Consulting (Mansfield)
74 | Socotec Asbestos (Burton upon Trent)
75 | WSP (London)
76 | Lucion Services (Gateshead)
77 | Thames Laboratories (Fenstanton)
78 | Tersus Consultancy (London)
79 | Airborne Environmental Consultants (Manchester)
80 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
81 | Inspectas Compliance (Leeds)
82 | Asbestos Survey & Management (Hessle)
83 | Unnamed (None)
84 | Cbre (London)
85 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
86 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
87 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
88 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
89 | Cushman & Wakefield (London)
90 | Savills (London)
91 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
92 | Community Ventures Management (Leeds)
93 | Aspin (Ashton under Lyne)
94 | Ahr Building Consultancy (Manchester)
95 | WSP (London)
96 | Aa Projects (Manchester)
97 | Rider Levett Bucknall (Birmingham)
98 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
99 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
100 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
101 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
102 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
103 | Cushman & Wakefield (London)
104 | Oakleaf Surveying (Northampton)
105 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
106 | Pennington Choices (Norcott Brook)
107 | Artelia Projects (London)
108 | Cbre (London)
109 | in Form Solutions (Sutton Coldfield)
110 | Aa Projects (Manchester)
111 | Rider Levett Bucknall (Birmingham)
112 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
113 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
114 | Sortified CIC (Bourne)
115 | Gardiner & Theobald (London)
116 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
117 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
118 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
119 | Turner & Townsend (Leeds)
120 | Driver Project Services (Rossendale)
121 | Currie & Brown (London)
122 | Ward Williams Associates (Truro)
123 | Provelio (Eastleigh)
124 | Gennorth (Leeds)
125 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
126 | in Form Solutions (Sutton Coldfield)
127 | Grant Thornton (London)
128 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
129 | Akeso (London)
130 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
131 | Baringa (London)
132 | Ernst & Young (London)
133 | NHS Shared Business Services (Hemel Hempstead)
134 | Grant Thornton (London)
135 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
136 | CRS Vat (London)
137 | Qe Facilities (Gateshead)
138 | Colbeck Brighton Financial Services (Wigan)
139 | Ernst & Young (London)
140 | in Form Solutions (Sutton Coldfield)
141 | NHS Shared Business Services (Hemel Hempstead)
142 | Grant Thornton (London)
143 | WSP (London)
144 | Attain Health Management Services (Gerrards Cross)
145 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
146 | Sortified CIC (Bourne)
147 | Akeso (London)
148 | Private Public (London)
149 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
150 | Business Reform (Chester)
151 | Baringa (London)
152 | Tasman Group (London)
153 | Elcom Systems (London)
154 | GHX (Milton)
155 | Ernst & Young (London)
156 | Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting (London)
157 | Private Public (London)
158 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
159 | BFBS (Chalfont St Peter)
160 | Tasman Group (London)
161 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
162 | Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting (London)
163 | NHS Shared Business Services (Hemel Hempstead)
164 | WSP (London)
165 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
166 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
167 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
168 | Sortified CIC (Bourne)
169 | Private Public (London)
170 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
171 | Counter Context (Bradford)
172 | Capgemini (Woking)
173 | Savills (London)
174 | Project Rome (Leeds)
175 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
176 | Cbre (London)
177 | Services Design Associates (Sheffield)
178 | Grant Thornton (London)
179 | WSP (London)
180 | Rider Levett Bucknall (Birmingham)
181 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
182 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
183 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
184 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
185 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
186 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
187 | Private Public (London)
188 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
189 | Capgemini (Woking)
190 | Cushman & Wakefield (London)
191 | Savills (London)
192 | Delta Simons Environmental Consultants (Lincoln)
193 | Hydrock Consultants (Bristol)
194 | Elcom Systems (London)
195 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
196 | Services Design Associates (Sheffield)
197 | Gep Environmental (Winchester)
198 | NHS Shared Business Services (Hemel Hempstead)
199 | Aa Projects (Manchester)
200 | WSP (London)
201 | Nifes Property (Leicester)
202 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
203 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
204 | Ridge & Partners (Woodstock)
205 | Pick Everard (Leicester)
206 | Private Public (London)
207 | Ove Arup & Partners (London)
208 | Capgemini (Woking)
209 | Cushman & Wakefield (London)
210 | Savills (London)
211 | Hydrock Consultants (Bristol)
212 | Pettit Singleton Associates (Preston)
213 | RSK Environment (Glasgow)
214 | Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting (London)
215 | in Form Solutions (Sutton Coldfield)
216 | Aa Projects (Manchester)
217 | Grant Thornton (London)
218 | WSP (London)
219 | Attain Health Management Services (Gerrards Cross)
220 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
221 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
222 | Lexica Health & Life Sciences Consultancy (London)
223 | Sortified CIC (Bourne)
224 | Akeso (London)
225 | Pulse Healthcare (Broxbourne)
226 | Private Public (London)
227 | Capgemini (Woking)
228 | Niche Health & Social Care Consulting (Manchester)
229 | PSC A Trading Name of 2020 Delivery (London)
230 | Tasman Group (London)
231 | Strategic Healthcare Planning (Telford)
232 | Currie & Brown (London)
233 | Community Ventures Management (Leeds)
234 | Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting (London)
235 | Grant Thornton (London)
236 | WSP (London)
237 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
238 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
239 | Akeso (London)
240 | Pulse Healthcare (Broxbourne)
241 | Private Public (London)
242 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
243 | Capgemini (Woking)
244 | Baringa (London)
245 | Royal Free NHS Trust Healthcare Consulting (London)
246 | Grant Thornton (London)
247 | WSP (London)
248 | Mott Macdonald (Croydon)
249 | Deloitte LLP Primary (London)
250 | Sortified CIC (Bourne)
251 | Akeso (London)
252 | Pulse Healthcare (Broxbourne)
253 | Private Public (London)
254 | North of England CSU Necs (Durham)
255 | Capgemini (Woking)
256 | Baringa (London)
CPV Codes
- 79410000 - Business and management consultancy services
- 79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
- An E-Auction may be used.
- Award on basis of price.
Other Information
NHS Northern Ireland (National Health Service for Northern Ireland) includingbut not limited to: Health and Social Care Trusts, Primary care ServicesGPs, pharmacies, dentists and optometrists, Hospital services, social careservices and community services, including those provided through communityhealth centres and mental health services: Isleof Man (IoM) Government and associated IoM based public bodies, includingall IoM Government Departments and Cabinet Office, including but not limitedto: Department of Health & Social Care, as listed at: EducationalEstablishments in England & Wales listed on the Department for Education’sRegister EduBase (to be superseded by GIAS (Get Information about Schools)including establishments providing compulsory, higher and further education: Schoolsin England EducationTrusts Schools inWales Further and HigherEducation Recognised Institutions or listed bodies in the UK offeringdegree-level courses: Schoolsin Scotland including primary, secondary and special schools: Educational Establishments inScotland: Educational Establishments in Northern Ireland: Higher EducationUniversities and Colleges in Northern Ireland: UKPolice Forces in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales includingNational Special Police Forces. EnglandFire and Rescue Services ScottishFire & Rescue Services WelshFire & Rescue Services NorthernIreland Fire & Rescue Service UK Maritime& Coastguard Agency Registeredcharities in England and Wales: Registered charities inScotland: Registered charitiesin Northern Ireland: Ministry ofDefence (MOD): RoyalNavy - British Army - Royal Air Force - Registeredsocial landlords: government funded not-for-profit organisations thatprovide affordable housing. They include housing associations, trusts andcooperatives. England Scotland Wales NorthernIreland Anyother public sector and government organisations, including, but not limitedto, those listed at; Departments, agencies and public bodies
- FTS 030316-2023